Chapter 8: Uchiha Itachi

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The rain was pouring heavily, they had been covered with a grey hue signaling it won't stop anytime soon.
Most people hated rain, because if it rains, it really rains. It ruined their crops, Itachi on the other hand, loved the rain.

The rain cried for him, right now he was staring out of the cave he and his comrade were taking shelter in. He felt much better after it rained, looks like he was crying a lot today.

"Oh, it looks like it's stoping soon. '' Kisame said choosing to break the silence. "Let's go Itachi, the beast won't catch itself, you know?" Kisames' grin brought disgust to Itachi. The reason was obscure.

"It's not stopping now, kisame." Itachi said contradicting him. Itachi had a nak for this. More like a sixith sense.

"Are you sure?" Kisame stood from his spot and and went out the cave, almost as if by Itachi's command, the rain came back stronger. Kisames' grin faltered he was irritated by Itachi... "Won't you look at that. Clan Slayer was right."

Kisame said that deliberately, he was itching for a good fight. It's been long. He needed to let loose. Itachi was perfect for the job, more than perfect.
Itachi didn't mind, moving his body. His Mangekyou Sharingan activated instantly, his gave was fixated on Kisame, all he had to do was say the magic words. Amaterasu.

His grin grew wider, he slowly grabbed his bizarrely large sword from his back, "You wanna fight, Uchiha?" He asked enthusiastically.

Itachi deactivated his Sharingan, this, was a waste of time. "You win." He turned his gave back to the view of the rain. 'Sasuke.' Itachi looked back at his comrade, his eyes seemed to belittle him, he looked like he was judging him,

That wasn't the case. He was in pain, he was trying to be empathetic with him. He was trying to be a good person. "Sorry, kisame. "

The silence was menacing, their teamwork is good, but their communication is far from that. Itachi is an introvert, that's fact but Kiasme is something else.

"You know what Itachi, I think I am going to take the Jinchuriki, I can't wait any longer." Kisame walked out the cave slowly, he was humming some incoherent, weird tune, Itachi wasn't fond of it.

Itachi was quiet, all he wanted was peace and quiet. At least blue skin was going, that would give him some hours of alone time.

__________ __________

"Sasuke, are you sure you want jugo to be part of your team?" Karin asked getting a child chill from the steel door in front of them. Sasuke, Suigetsu and Karin massacred the prisoners of the northern-hudeout... Well, Suigetsu did, Sasuke didn't kill them. He struck them hard enough to knock them out... Then Suigetsu finished them off.




"Please! Please don't let me out, please! No, no, no, no! I don't want to kill anyone!"

The voice, that Sasuke assumed belonged to Jugo, was begging to not be let out. He seemed more of a coward than a homicidal maniac.

"Everyone, behind me," Sasuke's monotone voice spoke commandingly.

Karin did so with no hesitation, 'Another chance to get close to Sasuke-kun!'

Sasuke slowly unsheathed his chokūtō, sliced the door... The rustling of chains sounded, it was getting closer every second. Sasuke got into his stance. It happens in a flash,

Jugo, by instinct vehemently tried to slash Sasuke, lucky for him obsorbing the snake made him agile. Jugo continuously slashed and slashed, "I'll kill you! Die, DIE, DIE YOU BASTARD!"

Sasuke dodged easily, he bent over a little bit, his opponent had many openings. 'there.'

Sasuke slashed Jugo, that ended quicker than expected... Sasuke sheathed his sword back. He knew he won the fig-

"Ah!" Sasuke heard his ribs crack, Jugos' form changed his chakra had a weird sensation to it. Sasuke looked like he had enough. His skin turned grey, the bridge of his nose had a black x on it, wings emerged from his back, his sharingan turned dark crimson, "Jugo..."

They engaged in heated battle, both trying their best to outdo the other. Chops, round kicks, uppercuts, hooks, straight rights and a lefts all where involved in their battle.

"Chudori! " Sasuke exclaimed, "I am your cage Jugo!" Sasuke struck Jugo with his chudori, this sent Jugo flying back at high speed, until he hit the wall and spat out a hand full of blood.


"Sasuke!" Naruto screamed, her body was tired from all the train, mount myōbōku was a pretty nice place. The frogs looked funny waving their hands like they where doing Kung Fu... Gamakichi had grown. He was now eight meter tall, last he was like ten inches.

"Dreaming about... Sasuke, I presume?" Sai asked with a smile.

"Huh? N-no Sai," Naruto had a light blush in her face. She was a pathetic liar.

"But you screamed his name like he was in some kind of danger." He opened his while asking her this.

"Uh-um... What was that gamakichi!?" Naruto off leaving a strail of dust behind her.

Sai only stared at her. She looked good in what she was wearing. Orange Short shorts and an orange breast holder. Sai never knew that Naruto had a seel on her belly. It was weird that it only appeared when she revealed her belly.


"Shit... Why did I see that..." Naruto was tearing up, "Was that real? Is Sasuke in trouble... Please Kami, protect him. Please... Please... Please... Plea-

"Gaki, don't be a lazy toad! Sage arts are pretty hard to master you!?" Jiriaya heard her brief prayer. He had to do something. His hime was too young to be having this much stress.

"Ugh, I'll be right there dattebayo!" She exclaimed back playfully. She ran off to continue her training. It was just a dream.

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