Chapter 41: Hello, Stranger

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Abruptly Danzo halted his movements, his aver quickly shifting on Sasuke, an eerie grin etched on his lips, intent on taking the last Uchiha's eyes he pulled out a Kunai awaiting Sasuke's arrival.

The blood lust in Sasuke's eyes was piercing, he approached Danzo intimidatingly, quickly, he flicked his thumb unsheathing his sword, he lounged, his sharingan spinning with rage, "Die."

Sparks emanated from the vigorous collision of weapons, technique faced with experience, Danzo moved in unorthodox ways, dodging and blocking all of Sasuke's attacks, their fight was heated, their movements were mere blurs and all their concentration was in this fight.

Sasuke's swordsmanship had vastly improved, his sword was now an extension of his body, bending and curving it to his will, he moved quicker, the sound of his Kūsanagi slicing through the wind, was loud and vivid, Danzo switched from defensive to offensive, slicing Sasuke and blocking his attacks.

Pulling Sasuke closer he delivered a kick to Sasuke's chest, "Young Uchiha, just give me what I want." His grin grew wider. Sasuke got even irked, every word he spoke was nauseating, the urge to kill Danzo grew alarmingly in him.

Sasuke threw his sword airborne, a vehement yet short Taijutsu battle begun, Sasuke delivered stunning blows leaving Danzo numb, and in a flash he too was airborne, he grabbed his sword and shoot it like dart, swiftly Danzo set it off course, it landed firmly on the ground birthing sparks as it did, instantaneously it turned into Sasuke, the sound of a thousand birds chirping clouded Danzo's ears, Sasuke struck his arm through Danzo's chest.

Blood gushed like a waterfall from the depression in his chest, Sasuke had lost the frown, he had a crazed smile of his face, "Got you."

Danzo hadn't looked petrified in the slightest. His gaze turned to Sasuke, he looked calm,"Yes you did." His sinister grin came back as his body slowly vanished into the wind, Sasuke looked dumbfounded, "Genjutsu?"

"Not quite," Danzo appeared behind Sasuke, "Summoning, Baku!"

Sasuke's gaze immediately turned back, purple ribs materialized out of thin air, protecting from what was going to come, the creature standing before him... A chimera with an elephant's trunk, a rhinoceros' eyes, an ox's tail, and a tiger's paws, instantly, the beast rose its trunk and began sucking what was in the circumjacent.

Madara watched form a pillar on the bridge, he was deep in contemplation, he too saw Sasuke kill Danzo. And he was certain that wasn't genjutsu... "Could be..."


Naruto ran, she felt Sasuke's chakra, despite it being frigid, she knew it was his. She knew it was her teme. His chakra had been moving a lot, they were three other chakra signature other than his. Two of which were cold, and only one was welcoming.

Despite being a distance away, she could feel Sasuke's chakra, the blizzard had slowly stopped as Naruto went out of Tetsu No Kuni. Her heart beat rapidly against her chest. It was miles away.

Why was his chakra feeling this cold? It gave her goosebumps, but despite it feeling so different it was so familiar.

The terrain had immensely changed had she went further from the land of iron, it was getting warmer with each step she took. And mostly, his chakra was getting closer.


"Hey Jugō," Suigetsu spoke, "Let's bust out and head to the hideout, I'm certain Sasuke will be ok." This idea had been spoken numerous times.

Jugō was insistent on waiting for Sasuke. Only he could stop him if he went berserk. He would rather stay behind bars than be free without his cage by his side and cause harm to those innocent, "No, I can't."

Suigetsu knew why Jugō was skeptical, he knew how much he feared harming others, "Look, you don't need Sasuke to keep you under control. You are strong, you can control yourself." Sueigtsu jumped off the bunker he and Jugō were sharing, "Just believe in yourself or whatever."

"But are you sure I can control myself?" Suigetsu wondered why he even cared much, he expended so much energy trying to fight the Raikage he reverted into his child form. He couldn't harm anyone at this point.

"Yeah, I'm sure. So let's go." fist enlarged, "Good bye, Tetsu no Kuni!" He punched the cell bars creating a whole two meters in diameter, "Let's go." He had a spiteful grin on his face. He couldn't complete his task if he was stuck in cell, would he?


Kakashi had a hunch Naruto would go running off again, so he, Sakura and Sai ran after her, he had a bad feeling of what laid ahead. Something told him not to go buy something drew him closer. Part of his attraction was that Naruto was in danger, but something else called him.

His gut told him to see what was ahead.


"Tsunade!" Shizune jumped on the woman embracing her tightly, Tsunnades voice brought her to tears.

"I missed you so much!" Her voice sounded broken, but yet it sounded relieved, "Why did you leave?" Her heart felt relieved... Thank kami.

To be continued

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