Chapter 57: Allied Shinobi Force

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The leaf Shinobi had assigned ranks among themselves. Each division having either the clan leaders or the most exceptional shinobi in that division leading them.

All the leaders had received the missive, the great Nations were to meet in Suna...

"So this is it, huh? We're going to war..." Ino looked at her father, uncertainty and fear in her eyes.

"Yes, we are..." Inoichi was in a dilemma. Whether to be a father or a shinobi.

"I'm scared..." Ino spoke quietly... Hoping to find reassurance in her father.

He looked her deep in her eyes, masking all his confusion behind a nonchalant face, "Get ready, there isn't anytime for fear..." he turned around, "If you don't think you're cut for this, turn around..." He walked away, leaving behind a confused Ino.

She clenched her hand to her chest, and took a deep breath, she had to get a hold of herself. They were scheduled for departure this afternoon, she had to be in her right state of mind.

"Ino, over here!" Choji called her, he was alongside Shikamaru. They looked so composed... she felt... pathetic.

"Hurry it up Ino!" Choji exclaimed, "We're late, we made a reservation at the steakhouse!"

"R-right, I'm coming she ran up to them." With a small smile plastered on her face.

"Man, what a drag, do we really have to go Choji?"

"You know it's always good luck! We have to go!" Choji whined.

A sigh escaped Shikamaru, "Okay, if you say so... I bet it's gonna be a drag." He rested his hands behind his head as Choji lead the way.

"Hurry up Ino! Or else I'm gonna eat it all!"

She watched their fleeting backs, how were they so calm? Did the thought of war not bother them...? She was in daze... a pit of fear and confusion.

"Ino..." Shikamaru called her, "Don't overthink it... I know how you're feeling... the fear... the confusion... trust me, I know exactly how it feels to be unsure..." Shikamaru could tell she was troubled... she was way out of character.

"War is an ugly thing... But you have comrades... you have friends and partners you can rely on..." Shikamaru reassured her. Her eyes had a glint of hope.

"You have us, I felt like that too, but Kakashi Sensei talked to me. And it made a little bit better. So next time you get scared, remember you have us."
Choji added.

The small glint, turned to watery eyes and tears escaped them accompanied with small sniffles, "Thanks guys," she smiled wiping away the tears.

"Now hurry, we gotta go eat!" Choji and Shikamru smiled at her.


"Are you finally going to wear that mask, Tobi?" Zetsu asked.

"Yes, it has reached that time, has it not?" A white clad mask with the tomoe embedded on it was in hand of the man, he wore a dark grey cloak, onyx gloves and and black boots and carried a gunbai.

"I never thought I'd see you actually wear it." Zetsu spoke. 

Tobi placed the mask on his face and fastened it, "And now, I just need you to wake up, and my plan will be complet." he starred at a dark mahogany coffin.

"Do you really think he'll comply?"

"He has to... we've been planning this for the longest..."

"I have to see this transpire... I need to."

"Be my guest, Zetsu... But trust me, war isn't pretty. And trust me, this will grotesque... Especially if he will be involved." He held the coffin, "trust me," he looked at Zetsu, one of his eyes bearing the rinnegan. A weapon of mass destruction.


"We have to help everyone." Naruto concluded, "We just can't be here, idle and hiding like cowards!"

"It's not cowardice Naruto, it's strategy. Why would we place you right in the hand of the enemy?" Gai tried to convince the girl, "It simply doesn't make sense."


"But nothing Naruto, the best you can do right now is stay here."

A deep silence enveloped them, "Fine."

She walked away, her hands in her pockets. She felt useless. It didn't feel right. Her comrades were probably out there fighting while she hid on a giant turtle.

"Tch, this sucks."


The allied shinobi forces had gotten to Suna the next day, all gathered despite their differences. Some individuals identifying each other as enemies as they had crossed paths before. The tension was thick, and arguments could be heard in the background.

"Yeah, your people are scum! I would rather die than fight with you dogs!" A leaf shinobi pointed at a Suna shinobi.

"You guys of the leaf always act like you're better than everyone, shut up, or else I'll make you." A blonde cloud ninja said blatantly.

"You really think you can back that statement up, punk?" The leaf ninja approached the blonde man, "Make me shut up, scum."

"Pathetic as usual, all of you." A woman dressed in takigakure shinobi uniform added, "I knew all of you were pathetic!"

"Shut up!" A man in a blue headband punched her, just as she was about to retaliate Shikamaru held her arm.

The Kage of each Nation stood before the Allied forces. Silence overcame everyone, as the immense chakara before them demanded.

The Raikage looked at Gaara, gesturing with his eyes for him to address the people. The kid had a way with words, and was voted the leader of the allied forces. He approached the podium, and had a better view of everyone below him.

"Everyone. Listen well."

To be continued

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