Chapter 54: Sacrifices

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There was no stopping Kisame now, he was long gone. Yamato cursed under his breath. He was gone... In the blink of an eye.

A green blur flew by his head and In an instant, a deafening boom filled their ears and debris flew every where, they all stopped in their tracks, shock on their faces; Gai-sensei was pinning a bloody Kisame to the ground, Yamato came closer to Gai and placed his hand Gai's shoulder, "Move back Yamato.'' hesistantly he did, Gai's eyes were intently fixed on Kisame.

"Move and I'll kill you." A demon like intensity was in his eyes. Kisame got the notion and was as still as a corpse, it had been quite some time since he had last felt fear, one little movement would be the catalyst for his death. He was trapped... There was no way out of this~

'What should I do... Any little move will spell death for me... Maybe~

A loud boom enveloped the circumjacent, Gai's eyes intensified, "I told you don't move." An involuntary twitch had lead to near death position, his breath had become ragged, blood trickled from the sides of his mouth as he smiled, "God damn, old man..." he managed to speak, "Why so ang-

He hit him again, Just as vicious as the last attacks, "Now, tell me, how did you get here?"

Kisame was still, contemplating his next move... fear enveloped he had only one course of action... "Water style" his lips moved quick, Gaia's eyes widened, "Shit-

Water exploded covering the entire area, everyone's vision was distorted, Gai felt as Kisame was slipping away, and in a twinkly he had vanished. Enraged l Gai screamed-

"We kinda in a fix, but don't worry I saw him, he going in the six~

"Don't throw the truth under the bus for a rhyme!" Motoi voiced, slightly irked.

Killer Bee partially transformed, his hand was that of the bull, "Hope on and I'll throw ya, weee!" Gai did like wise, and was lunged into the direction Kisame escaped.

Though not clearly, Gai could make out a still figure in the water, and judging from the distance, he wasn't going to make it, "There he is," with a series of hand signs and a cloud of smoke appeared mid air.

"Damn Gai, you haven't summoned me in years and when you do it's mid-air!?" The turtle was freaking out.

"I'm sorry but I need your back for a bit!" With a swift movement he leaped off the turtle and into the sea, where Kisame was planning to escape.

A large splash of water emerged as Gai landed. Kisames mouth was agape with shock. He wasn't going to let it go that easily huh?

Standing from his crouching position, Gai spoke, "I see, so that little shark is going to send the info, well not if I can help it."

Agile, he charged the shark, his hand in a fist~

"Water style; Thousand hungry shark!"  A large tidal wave formed with thousand and thousands of sharks harbored which one of the sharks could it be?!

His green aura intensified, and his glowed a bright raging red, Gai lunged into the air, "In that case!"

A ferocious barrage of attacks was thrown at the school of beasts, each attack creating and fire, "Asakujaku!"

The beast burnt immediately they came in contact with the attack and flailed in pain! The attacks where everywhere, nowhere was safe from his attacks.

A thick cloud of smoke covered the sky, Gai's air time had depleted and was deep in the water, ok high alert.

Kisame was agile there and swiftly, he found his location, "Impressive, you took all of them out, well I'll just let them devour you under water then!" He had a cynical grin on his face.

The barrage of Shark attacks begun yet again, this time Gai knew he was greatly disadvantaged.

Desperately, Gai dodged, his current gate didn't allow him any mobility or offensive mechanism under water, and the beasts kept on coming, more ferocious than the last!

"Shit, I guess I have no choice," the water around him became hotter and the look in his eyes intensified,  "Seventh inner gate of Shock!" He roared, His aura become a deep blue and a large expulsion of water was over head like a geyser.

'Good, the sharks have given me cover, here, take this' his thoughts were laced with malice, "Super shark bomb jutsu!" A shark made of highly compressed water was shot at bullet speed towards Gai.

"Nice try." Clasping his hands together, he compressed the air in them and released it, "昼ドラ Hirudora!"

Kisame smiled wider "Dumbass, my jutsu absorbs chakra and becomes stronger, you have no chance of winning!"

The battle of the day time tiger and the shark bomb was nothing short of intense, each beast showing their masters desire to win in the form of relentless violence!

But the level standing was distorted as the tiger swiftly maneuvered around the shark and gnawed vehemently at it, Kisame was awe struck, how? His attack was supposed to be weakened by now!

"You said shark bomb absorbs chakra from Jutsu right? Well, my attack isn't chakra based, it all physical ability and hot blooded passion!" Gai exclaimed.

As quick as lightening, the tiger absorbed Kisame and bawl of pain was that could be heard on Genbu, Naruto and the rest were startled hearing this.

"We have to go check this out!" They ran quickly and upon arrival were greeted by a scary sight; an unconscious Kisame floating in the water and Gai standing on top of him with the scroll in hand...

They halted their movements for moment, all shocked at how quickly the fight ended, not more that ten minutes, "Are you ok, Gai sensei!?" Naruto hurried towards him.

"Yes, I am," here, he handed Naruto the scroll, take care of that.

"Wow, that was quite the close call..." Yamato spoke under his breath.

"Yes, a close calm indeed."

"We need to search his brain for intel, let's take him back." Motoi added.

"Yes, I agree. His brain will prove to be of high significance."

With that they took Kisame back on Genbu and restrained him. The mind invasion begun with out further a due. They all watched in silence as the the procedure went on for frivolous five minutes before~

A chunk of Kisames tongue was on the ground, "Ahahahahaha! He laughed as he broke out of his restraints, "You will never get anything out of me! Water prison!"

Gai lunged towards him, but it was already too late, and Yamatos wood style could only do so much to stop him, "Shit, why won't you just stay down!"

"Thousand hungry sharks!" Everyone watched in anticipation, what? What was he thinking? He wouldn't... No...

To be continued

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