Chapter 11: Unexpected departure

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It had been three weeks since Naruto began her training with Ero-Senin at Mount Myōbōku, the thought of being a Sage was awesome, Naruto thought so... She still did, but-

"Shit! This is so freaking hard! I quit!" Naruto exclaimed, she wasn't going anywhere with this. Nowhere at all. "Ero-Senin, this is hard... How did you manage to master-

"I haven't mastered it, Naruto." Jiriaya said with a look of deep contemplation on his face, "When I do activate Sage mode, I have frog like features, one who has mastered this, has only orange markings on both eyes... No frog features." Jiriaya said to his hime, he had a theory as to why she couldn't master Sage mode.

"So has there been anyone who's mastered Frog Sage arts?" Naruto asked beat up and curious.

Jiriaya smiled at her with mirth in his face, he liked that she liked learning... From time to time that is, "There was one. He was a prodigy." Jiriaya praised his anonymous student. " Sadly, he died protecting something very special to him, and at a young age too."

Naruto liked the anonymous student. Though she hadn't met him, she was certain he was a great person. Worthy of dignity. "What was his name...?" Naruto didn't feel obligated to ask that.

"His name... Was Na-

"Master! Master! Tsunade-sama wants you immediately, she says it urgent!" Gamakichi looked perplexed.

"Ok, I'll be right there. Naruto, my master will teach as I am gone, he's coming back today lucky me." He said nonchalantly before disappearing in swirl of wind and dust.

Gamakichi ran off knowing exactly where Jiriaya was going. The place where Mount Myōbōku and the leaf connected, think of as a quick transportation jutsu.

Jiriaya arrived at the portal. It looked like a well actually, and an old one at that. Jiriaya jumped in. He knew what was happening. He knew why Tsunade interrupted Naruto's training.


Tsunade-sama was bitting her thumb, what was taking Jiriaya so long? Shizune seemed on edge too, I wonder what the conundrum was, Tsunade was mumbling incoherent words, Shizune could only stare and try to listen hard enough get sense out of it, she did eventually, "Jiriaya... Hurry." Tsunade knew Jiriaya was the only one who could do the still unknown task. 

"H-Hokage-sama," Shizune spoke, she sounded frightened, "He is taking too long... We need his special skill set. Nobody is skilled in infiltration and espionage like he is, With out him, we won't have a chance... Not at all-

"Kuso!" Jiriaya exclaimed barging in Tsunade-sama's office, "You found out!? Where is it?!" He questioned hurriedly. He didn't even bother saying hey...

"Please, calm down, we did find it... We found the leaders hideout." Tsunade said calming down now that amphibian man was here.


"Yes, my name is Fukasaku. You are Naruto, right? And I was told there is another fellow here, sorry I could not teach you earlier." The small green frog said. He had a charcoal grey coat on, he also had large white eye brows.

"So you're sensei's sensei?! Wooow! I bet you're super strong!" Naruto exclaimed, her enthusiasm was child like, but cute.

"Yes, indeed, let's just hope you are as talented as your sensei, Jiriaya-boy was teaching you the basics, I will teach real Sage arts." He said with a flame of determination in his eyes.

"Yeaaah-lets go ouji-san!" Naruto exclaimed.

Sai looked at Naruto, she was like a child... But he liked it. "Fukasaku-san, may I please watch you train?" Sai asked with a smile. A smile I repeat.

"Sure," He said mirthfully, he liked that the youth these days was still eager to learn.

"Thank you." He followed behind them. He couldn't help but look at Naruto's ass... He felt like touching it, squeeze- No Sai, you're better than that. He scolded himself mentally. He had to complete his mission.

"So, your name is Sai?" The small frog asked.

"Yes I am." He responded nonchalantly. It was funny that Fukasaku-san wasn't around during Jiriaya's training Naruto. He seemed wise.

"So you work for Danzo?" He asked intrigued with boy. He looked like he was a skilled shinobi.

Sai didn't bother answering.

"And by the way, I don't like fake smiles." Fukasaku-san smiled at Sai while saying that.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Karin moaned from the stinging, hot sensation Sasuke made her feel, he had bitten her on the space between her nake and shoulder for a minute straight. Jūgo looked confused, he wondered what Ki-Sasuke was doing, Jūgo found it distasteful and unpleasant to watch, the woman seemed like she liked it though. Her arms where latched round his nake; she was on top of him they almost looked like they were having sex.

Sasuke released her, his mouth had some blood here and there, he cleaned it thoroughly, Jūgo had a puzzled look, the wounds he sustained earlier disappeared. It was astonishing, her chakra alone couldn't do that, something else boosted his healing ability. But what?... Speaking of Karin, her face resembled a tomato.

Hey, how are you guys? I'm really, really sorry for the slow update, but please don't forget to vote and comment, again, a book is nothing without it's readers. Okay bye!♥️

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