Chapter 17: Glance

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"But why!" A small voice exclaimed. It was... Crying... Why? The constant sobbing... The pleading.

"Uncle has to go work... Maybe next time..." A feminine voice spoke, seemingly reassuring the child it was ok; His uncle was coming back to them.

"N- no! No! I want him to stay! Please!" The child was throwing a fit.

The tall figure couldn't bear it, the child was making it harder for him to leave than it already was. Turning his gaze to the child, he smiled. And as a gust of wind flew by, he disappeared along with it... "Okay-- let me come with you, then! Please, I will be a good boy, I'll listen to mommy and daddy, so please stay!"

"Uncle! Uncle! Come back, you promised you would play with me! Remember!? Let's go together!?"  He exclaimed on top of his little lungs... his throat hurt... The stinging excruciating pain from the crying.

"D-don't... Cry... Please... It hurts me to see you cry..." The feminine voice spoke. She too was crying... It was obvious he meant a great deal to them.


"No. He has to go... But don't worry, he's coming back." The child wasn't aware of  the spot his mother was in... Neither was he aware of her low sobs and sniffles.

"No, uncle!" He escaped his mother's latches, running forward with no destination in mind, "Uncle!--


Crimson eyes unfurled, they seemed somewhat fatigued. The crisp, breeze of the morning blew threw her even more crimson hair, it's like... A pseudo morning... One not like the rest, like when her parents were there... It was invigorating. "Where's Sasuke?" Karin questioned rubbing her eyes.

"Sasuke-Sama went for a deep down the hot spring. He will be joining us shortly, so I advise you to let him-

"Again with him?!" Suigetsu spoke irked, "you don't learn do you?"

"Need I intervene, why are you talking about Sasuke-Sama?"

"That prick doesn't feel anything!" Suigetsu didn't see what so special about him.

"You're wrong. He does feel, if he didn't he wouldn't bare that much hatred towards his brother!"

"That's all he can feel-

"Thanks, Jugō. Bye!" She ran towards down the hot spring, with her bathing essentials in hand.

Suigetsu could only sigh. She never learnt. And at the end of the day, it was up to him to clean up her mess.

She ran for a couple of minutes, huffing and puffing, she spotted her pale goal, "Sasuke! Sasuke!" She gesticulated waving her hands.

"Sasuke! Sasuke! Sasuke!" The voice rang in Sasuke's ears, and slowly, but surely, faded away... And came back; changing to an all too familiar sweet voice. The voice that made him jovial, even after they were all killed. Sasuke's blank onyx eyes staring in the blue, blue sky... He spoke morosely "I miss you..." The first time she saw Sauske cry.

"S-Sasuke... " She was perturbed, he seemed more distant than usual... But away from that, she awe struck by his tears... Why was he crying... His clan...?

Her gaze... Struck on him. He seemed not to care though, this wasn't like Sasuke Uchiha... Something was up, if it got Sasuke like this, what could it be...

"Sasuke..." She reluctantly walked towards the river... should she join him...? Her mind was in a heated debate, but her body moved on it's own and joined him in the spring, not caring about her clothes, "Sasuke..." She muttered, slowly swimming towards his back, her soft warm body pressed gently on his back, and her arms looped around his abdomen, feeling how soft, but yet hard his abs were.

"Karin...?" He sounded more gentler than usual... He turned around, showing the pain in those obsidian eye, they were beautiful, and with each second that downed, the deeper she fell in pools of onyx, and closer their lips grew.

Was this actually happening? His hot body was close. His arms rapped around her waist... This feeling was daunting yet intriguing at the same time; his hot breath tickling her lips, they kissed, tongues intertwining. This was lust. Not love.

Sasuke continued to dominate her lips, and parting for air when needed, "S-Sasuke..." She spoke moaning, the nibbles and trails of kisses left behind from him gave her a warm feeling.

"I love you." She spoke moaning lowly.

Why...? It was the only way to forget about it all... Forget about her... He didn't need trivial feelings, forget it all... Only when it's done, am I going to remember...


A loud gaps escaped Naruto. A sudden clench in her chest appeared, she... Wanted to cry all of a sudden... As though she hadn't had her fair share of shedding tears, the fluid trickled down her whiskered cheeks, "S-Sasuke?" She called his name, "Don't... Stop...  Stop it! Please, come back to me... To Sakura... To the leaf."

Naruto continued crying, this pain... Why her? What did she do?,"Sasuke... Please..." Her body went slump from the images of him with another woman... A red haired woman... It was just her imagination... But why did it hurt so much?

She rubbed her eyes trying to stop the crying, but no avail, Sai stared, for what felt like hours, what was he supposed to do in such a predicament, 'Maybe...' He contemplated, standing up. He jumped down from the tall oddly purple hued tree.

A warm hand touched her shoulder gaining her attention, "Naruto, it's ok." That monotone voice...

"Sasuke!" She turned to the familiar voice... And just as unfair life was, it was not him, but another man with the same stoic nature, "Oh... S-sorry... I'm sorry... I will never do that again... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She continued crying, there was so much she had inside... Sasuke leaving, the villagers torcher... And these strange dreams... About a boy... A corpes looking old man... And a scary woman... In short sleep was hard to catch.

"Naruto, come here." Sai pulled her close to him in a warm embrace, her shaking body... What was happening to her?

"Don't... Let go, Sai..." She whispered in his chest.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Let it all out." Sai... Was he able to feel empathy?... She wasn't sure, he was a mystery... A warm mystery.

A memory from Sai's past flashed before his eyes... His big brother used to do this to him as a kid. When he felt scared or sad... Or even lonely.

"Sai..." She whispered latching tighter on his chest... Sai was amazed someone so strong could cry like a baby... But he felt happy he was here... He pulled her closer, and for once in a long time, Sai smiled; For real this time.

To be continued

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