Chapter 55: Blood Of Uchiha

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"The Akatsuki has waged war against the great Nations, we of the hidden mist have to promptly prepare." Mei spoke brazenly.

"Yes I agree. But this has escalated to such a magnitude that what one village can do won't help in the slightest." The Tsuchikage Onoki, known for his pride, had swallowed it for the great or good, his indirect plea going unanswered.

"What are you implying you old bag of bones?" The Raikage inquired, "If you are suggesting an alliance I refuse! I can not allow myself to fight alongside the likes of him." He pointed at Gaara who was stoic.

"And why is that?" The Mizukage questioned.

"They are are treacherous, ungrateful, filthy curs those from the sand. I will not make the mistake my predecessor made in the first great ninja war. I won't trust them."

"And you think you are any better? Don't forget what your people did in the second war. You are in no position- Mei was interrupted.

"I'd like to let sleeping dogs lie but you can't complain about betrayal, my dear Mei-

"Enough." The bickering had gone on long enough, "We all have done our fair share of crimes..." Gaara had enough, "But we can't hold on to the past and bicker like children when something so valuable is at stake... Will a mere grudge picked up from the history books hinder the protection of something valuable?"

Everyone's attention was on Gaara, intently listening to the teen.

"What happened in the past was terrible, what we  of the sand did was dishonorable, and when all this is over, on behalf of the sand, I will take all the punishment that my predecessors should have taken. But until then, let's all work together and protect what's important to us!" He raised his voice as he stood up, a burning intensity in his eyes.

"Just this once, for the sake of our people, the children, our loved ones, and our comrades, let's join hands so that at least, there's a chance they will see tomorrow, Please lend  me your strength!" Gaara bowed his head.

Astonishment was in everyone's face. A kid. A kid made them realize their childish behaviors, their irrationality, though they weren't going to admit it outwardly for the sake of their vanity.

The room was drowned in silence, everyone seemed to ponder, taking into consideration what the young Kazakage had said.

A small sigh escaped the Tsuchikage's mouth, "I agree, only for my people." He crossed his arms.

"I agree too," Mei smiled lighty at Gaara. 

"Only for my people, will I do this."  The Raikage spoke sharply, a slight scowl on his face.

"And what about you, lady Tsunade?" Onoki was eager to hear her decision.

She was quiet the entire time. She was filled in about what happened during the last Kage summit, it was a relief the Akatsuki showed up at that moment in time, otherwise, Danzo could have been the leader of the Leaf...


Steam emanated from his pale skin as he walked out a lake. His eyes were half lidded and glowed a deep crimson. Gingerly brushing his hair back with his hand he reached for his clothes, "New get up huh?" Suigetsu smiled at Sasuke, "Long time no see." He jumped down from the tree. Something about him had shifted, he wasn't like he was in the past, he seemed to be possessed...

A slight nod of his head, Sasuke continued putting his clothes on, "Jugo, where is he?" He questioned nonchalantly.

"He's on his way..."

"Good." He adjusted the rope on his waist and slid in his sword.

A deep uncomfortable silence overcame the dual... something gnawed at Suigetsu, he had to know...

"Are you serious?"

The wind blew as another unbearable silence drew in.

A sigh escaped the pale man, his aver intently fixed on the other, "Yes, I'll make everyone suffer, just as my brother did. I detest the leaf with all my being..." His eyes were dead and held deep anger, sadness and regret.

"Are you powerful enough to do that though... make everyone in the leaf suffer."

An eerie silence overcame them as Sasuke looked away, only the whistling of the wind and rattling of the grass and leaves could be heard, "look into my eyes, these eyes see all, and they see the destruction of the leaf vividly."

Suigetsu got goosebumps, the intricate pattern of his eyes, the intensity of his chakra, Sasuke had gotten stronger... he was a monstrosity...

The blue haired man swallowed slowly, "I'm with you."

"Sasuke-Sama!" Jugo came from a nearby bush, "I hope you're alright, sir." He stopped a meter away, awaiting for a response.

With a curt node, Sasuke got his cloak, "Now we have to get Karin back..."

They all nodded and followed Sasuke into the dark Forrest, it was going to be about three days till they got to the leaf, till then, they had to keep a distance from Sasuke, even Jūgo could sense that now, Sasuke had become a monster... His brothers death had changed the boy to a man... an angry, deranged man.

To be continued

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