Chapter 6: Eyes Of A Narcissist

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Karin's POV

Sasuke's eyes always showed an aberrant riddle, impossible to decipher, he is a mysterious man. His eyes are always in pain, that is all I can tell, there is no trace of positive emotion in those onyx orbs. Hatred and pain was all I could see, his chakra changed a lot, it was colder and more intimidating, to be honest, I couldn't believe it was him at first.

The only thing I could identify from afar was his scent, it was still sweet and calming... some how... There was just something about him that drives me crazy! Something unique, he is not like other men. Something that I can't miss in a crowd of a million. I don't know what it is, but it drives to protect Sasuke, to care for him, and to support him in what ever endeavors he wishes to pursue.

Karin was determined, she was ready to do anything it took to protect Sasuke... Anything.

We are currently going to the northern-hideout, Sasuke wants us to recruit a guy called Jugo, he is said to be the first to bear the curse mark, more like Sasuke's predecessor in way? from what I hear, he's a homicidal maniac, a person with a split personality, the bright side he is very strong. And the worst part, he can't even control his curse mark. I just have to trust Sasuke. He knows what his doing... Right?


"Naruto, you don't have to agree! I-I can arrange something, I can make you a shinobi of suna-gak-

"No, " Naruto said nonchalantly, he heart was beating against her chest like crazy, "if  it means keeping Sasuke safe, I will do it." Naruto's bangs still covered her eyes, her chakra was strangely calm, "He is my friend, after all." She continued, she was ready to take great risks to protect her teme. She shot the two figures a grin, it was a real smile, she hadn't felt this obliged to smile in a long time  "Gaki..." Jiriaya was almost caught off guard. She looked like Minato, if she was a he, Jiriaya could have been convinced Minato was still alive. "If  I can not save one friend, then I do not qualify to be Hokage. I will save the teme, and rightfully take my place as Hokage!

"Are you sure, Naruto?" Tsunade asked suppressing her tears from falling  "It is no problem, right?"

"No, not at all! I'm actually happy, I finally have a way to protect Sasuke, I just hope it's enough, though."

"Oh..." Tsunade was bewildered with Naruto' splendid understanding. "So you don't mind being a s-sharingan baby factory...?"

Naruto did not get the last part. She was somewhere else. That dream was so vivid. now then, she would have quick images of the eyes, Was it even a dream... it had the same feeling as when she saw Kurama in her plain.

Naruto was quiet, she looked troubled,  'should I tell them about those eyes. I think I should... But will they believe me... Who in their right mind would believe her...?

"Naruto?" Tusnade's voice was laced with worry. "are you ok?"

"Ba-Chan, have you ever seen purple eyes with crazy circles in them? You've lived a long life, haven't you?"

Tsunade was insulted, she was just ... Yes old! But, that was trivial at the moment. 

"What do you mean, Naruto. Purple eyes with crazy circles?"

Naruto stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and shortly started to scribble something on it.

Jiriaya was paying close attention to what his student was drawing- "Rinnegan..." He said nonchalantly.

"What was that, Ero-Senin...?"

"Rinnegan, eyes if the sage of six paths. Where did you see them exactly, Naruto."

"It was in my dream, and it was so vivid... I could feel the pain. I saw... Sasuke in the dream. And I saw a very pale woman. And also a man who had the exact same eyes, rengan? Reregan? Regan? Re-

"Rinnegan," Jiriaya corrected her, eager to see where this was going, no one just dreamt about the rinnegan unless they where- "please, Naruto, proceed. "

"And when I woke up, I had a bruise on my heart... It was where Sasuke stabbed me."

"When the sage of six paths shows himself... calamity is going to break out soon. Naruto, you are going with me to Mount Myōboku. Now." Jiriaya said commandingly, it was indeed a rare thing for him to be so serious, this must be a great threat...

                   To be continued

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