Chapter 14: Engulfed In Darkness

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'His... Chakra... Is cold... ' Naruto, was in deep contemplation, the last string of warmth generated from the avenger known as Sasuke was nothing more than a mere fantasy. The Sasuke she once knew and adored was... Gone, "Naruto, you finally did it... But why aren't you happy?" Fukasaku-san asked, a malign thought seemed to be on repeat in her mind everytime she was left alone, she looked petrified, and sad.

"What...?" She asked absent minded, yes she did achieve Sage mode, but... It took too much time to collect nature energy, this was because of two factors, her endless chakra reserves and it. Fukasaku-san and Jiriaya had talked about it before. The thing that hindered her completion of sage mode the most. The nine tails.

The God of destruction... A natural disaster... Sealed in a mere child...

"Naruto... I have found a way... A way you can use sage arts without spending so much time on collecting nature energy." He said with a grin.

"Oh... That is nice." Her obnoxious demeanor was long gone... The feeling of unease and betrayal slowly came over her... What exactly was Sasuke doing?

"Naruto..." Fukasaku-San was left in awe. This was not like her...


Konan and Jiriaya had their first encounter after a long time... And the terms it was under was cruel... An encounter to shed blood...

"Kon- The ponderous feeling of blood lust boarded Jiriaya's heart, fear. When was the last time he felt that...

"Sesnei..." A monotone voice said, "What are you doing here, has thou gon senile?" Pein said, his speech pattern... Was he imitating God?

"What... Do I know you?" Jiriaya was perplexed, "You look kinda familiar- ugh!"

A stinging pain in his ribcage cut him off, that attack was as agile and strong as they come! "Kuso- Rasengan!" Jiriaya exclaimed as the spiral formed in his hand striking the attacker.

A loud thud 'Boom', debris flew everywhere obstructing Jiriaya's vision,"Ranjishigami no jutsu!"  Jiriaya exclaimed as his hair swayed wildly delivering a blow of his own.

"You know it's rude to cut people off as they sp- a barrage of paper senbons attacked from behind him. Two against one... Sheesh!

"Water release: Water Gun!" Jiriaya shot water bullets at the the paper weapons, they're even in ninjustsu, but taijutsu.

A kick found itself on Jiriaya's neck, the pain was unbearable, fists flew left and right, up and down. Dodging inclusive, attacks from both people, all intent on hitting him- 'An opening.'- "Rasengan!'' He shot his shot, it was a clear win...

"All mighty push!" The invisible yet strong force not only stopped the jutsu but also sent him flying! Shit!

Jiriaya looked in disbelief, he stopped it, 'I need them' the thought crossed his mind, "Kage bushin no jutsu!" An exact replica of him appeared, "Tōton Jutsu!" He exclaimed as he became transparent. The shadow clone can buy him enough time to escape.

Pein watched as his senile-former master ran away, it won't hurt to take it nice and slow. If it wasn't for 'Almighty push', he would be dead. "Awaken, my comrades." Immense chakra escaped his body, leaving behind a trail of malice as it found it's destination... Corpses?


'Sasuke and Karin were in bed together... Her head resting on his well sculpted chest... It didn't take a genius to know what they had done. The nasty.

The look he gave her... He loved her. More than anything.

"Karin... I... Lo-

"Wake up you stupid oaf!" Suigetsu exclaimed waking Karin up from her... Dream? "What's wrong with you? we have to go." Well, a diligent Suigetsu was what she wanted but who knew he would be this diligent... Sasuke rubbed off on him.

"Shut up, you bastard! It's three in the morning, you know!" Karin retorted vehemently.

"Oh shut up flat chest!"

"Shut up, fish breath!"

An argument arose. Jūgo could only watch and control himself from lashing out at them...

"Let's go." Sasuke-Sama's voice almost like a switch to stop chaos commanded them to stop their bickering, just like obedient pets, they listened.

"have a map of the Akatsuki's hideouts, we are going to search the areas to see if they have been currently used." Sasuke gave a brief of what was going to transpire.

"Hai." They said at the same time.

'I promise on Ka-san and Tou-sans graves... I will kill you, Itachi.' The thought of blood shed... As always.

To be continued

It's been long... Sheesh. I hope you're all okay, with this Covid-19 pandemic, we can't leave normally. Just remember to mask up, sanitize and maintain social distance... Bye! Please stay safe!

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