Chapter 18: Snapped Threads

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inhalation was smarting to Jiriaya, his eyes got grey from a dark obsidian, "Fukasaku... Sensei,'' He spoke coughing a hand full of blood, "I-I have a something... For my hime." A devasted throat, seven smashed ribs, a bullet sized cranny in the skull, holes in the lungs, liver and heart... All that attained in a thirty minute fight...

'How pathetic,' was the constant thought in Jiriaya's mind, 'bested by my own student.' Well, the numbers weren't in his favour... Even though, he would have lost one on one too, he probably summoned them out of caution... Not in fright of defeat... Or maybe out of esteem for his master...

"S-sure, Jiriaya-boy!" Fukasaku whisked off his shoulder... He was beat, they were so fast... And he, or rather, they left with belittling expressions etched on their faces... He sent Ma back, it was too vicious.

Mustering up all the chakra in his blemished body, Jiriaya directed it to his bruised index finger, "9, 31, 8, 106, 7, 207, 15... That's... For Naruto. Make sure she sees it, sensei." He was feeling... So sleepy... So sleepy...

"Sure, Jir- a cough escaped his mouth, blood splattered on the ground, "My, he really did a number on us..." Tears were sluicing down his contused physiognomy, the holes in his body, he lost too much blood, he wasn't going to make it... Unfortunately.

"Yeah, he did... Yeah... He did... But make sure... She see's it..."


''Naruto, things do not always go as planned... Some days are happy, some days are sad. But the scale tips on the latter, this world is full of pain, betrayal, and most of all, resentment... A vicious cycle, of war, blood shed and affliction... A vicious cycle indeed. But you, Naruto, are distinct; I believe you can change this world. Show this world full of hatred, love, bring light to the eyes of those who have been blinded by hate, show them a new path, full of peace and tranquility... Again, in this world, some days are happy, and some sad; What I'm trying to say is, the road to peace won't be easy, death will be at every corner, and through all this, I will never leave your side, my hime... I know, only you, will change this cruel world, I believe in you, Naruto.'' he flashed a grin at her, little Naruto.

The thought overcame the first, and subconsciously, he smiled, his corpes wasn't going to have a forced grin... He was content with his beign... It was funny how reminiscence made him feel happy... How she made him feel happy.

Fukasaku weakly began to weave hand signs, he had to go to the leaf, it was Jiriaya's last request. He was going to do it... It was the least he could do, a cloud of thick smoke appeared around, when it cleared, he disappeared, blood stains remained on the ground as proof of his being there.


Sai didn't know what to do afterwards, she... Just slept while clinging on to him, like a child does to a teddy bear... She was a heavy sleeper, so it was supposedly ok to take her to her room, the mosquitoes here we're vicious.

He lifted her gently, her warm body was fatigued. He slowly walked to her room, it was a three minute walk from the training dome, opening the door with his foot... He entered and slowly laid her on the bed... A sigh escaped his lips... She didn't wake up, now leaving quietly was next, but her hand reached and grabbed his sleeve, "Don't... Go..." Her eyes were half open, but Sai's presence was vivid... His blank obsidian eyes turned to the cerulean pair, "Just stay... Just for tonight.... Please..." She tugged on his sleeve more. Her expression was woeful.

What was Sai supposed to do...? He slowly sat down on her bed, "Are you sure?" His monotone voice made her feel safe... Naruto's cheeks slowly turned red, "Yeah..." She responded, she got closer and pulled him in the bed, it was cold tonight, "You know, you resemble snow but you're warm as the sun, Sai."...compliment? She laid her head on his chest... "You seem so distant, and you never talk much... A problem shared is a problem solved... So tell me, what's on your mind." Naruto had no intention of having sex with him, she just felt... Good, next to him.

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