Chapter 19: Final Departure

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The sun beams gingerly
Permeated through the transparent windows of Naruto's bedroom, morosely, she was laying in her bed... It felt vacant on Sai's side, he was a morning bird, leaving the nest so early. The vivid dreams... Seemed more settle; This time it was the corpse looking old man... No malevolence emanating from, come to think of it his never should any hostility.

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"Child... Hark... Thou art one of my very own kin, but being one of mine, thou have a heavy burden to bare... heavy indeed. Hear well-

"The hell are you saying Ouji-San?" She was bewildered, he abruptly started speaking crap she couldn't comprehend, well, all she got was 'kin and heavy burden', "Speak English Ouji-San... What the hell are you saying?" Intrigued and confused, Naruto was.

"Oh... I presume intellectually you're still the same... How daunting." He said somewhat miffed... He stared at her acutely, analyzing her; discomfit was conspicuous in her anatomy's movement, the fervidness behind those eyes, what was he contemplating to be this hushed, "Yo, how's this then? I prolly should've spoken like this from the nutshell..." He grinned eerily.

It was awkward seeing someone that old speak lie that... She had goosebumps.

"What... Ouji-San, can you speak more like normal old people? That style doesn't match your appearance, dattebayo..." She was weirded out mostly but a strange compulsion forced to listen to the mummy.

"Mmm... Then like this, is this to your liking, child?" He adjusted again.

"Ah, much, much better! So what's up, why y'all haunting my dreams!?" She was slightly irked.

"Oh, that... It's just mother... don't mind her if  possible... I need a word; it's important... I can see your future vividly, but yet so vague, I've witnessed wars transpire, the vicious cycle of hate never ending, and many lives lost because of ones narcissistic nature... Same applies to my son's; my day and night, the story I'm about to tell you is of truth, the present and and past, and what's going to dictate your undertakings, Ashura."

Naruto had a weird vibe hearing that name... It was so familiar, just like I'm that old dream...

"Indra, and Ashura," the man's gaze averted upward in the pale yellow plain, known as Naruto's mind, "My son's, one competent to be the successor of ninshu the ninja creed; the one with my visual prowess, and the other a polar opposite, with a body to break down mountains with mere fists. Though coming from great parents, a child not always is as good as his parents, that's not how the world works."

"And  that was the case for little brother Ashura, his older brother was amazing, I guess that is even an understatement, he was sublime and graceful in everything he did, and his brother... You understand. No matter what transpired, the boys were loved equally by their parents... No matter what, they were all equal in their parents eyes... Humans are social creatures, but I'm afraid to say Ashura was the only one with that trait, Indra was always isolated, intrigued with learning and experiencing things, alone..."

"And  when my wife passed, I had my boys only, they were down, sure, but big brother Indra never bothered to show, he claimed grief was an irrelevant emotion... But Ashura was gentle, a loving child, he cried... Grieved his mother's passing to his hearts content... I felt elated, knowing one of my kin had emotion, and as time passed, my children where grown and old age took a toll on me, sad to say, still I was able to spectate my children's endeavours from afar...

"All the great they did, from mobilizing people and nations, to single handedly taking down nations with an iron fist... My children had grown, and it was time to choose a successor, time wasn't on my, side, so I sent a summit to my boys, and indeed they came, Ashura broke down in tears, but the stoic nature of Indra remained intact, and I spoke, 'It's time for a successor for the creed.' This made Ashura cry more, 'But father... No, it too soon...' Ashura sobbed, 'But everyone dies, son. This should be normal to you, adapt, boy.' a weak smile was on my face... 'Hurry and choose father, time is not with us.' Indra spoke... I could only sigh.

Opposite indeed, but I loved them equally... 'Tell me... Depending on your answers, I shall choose my successor... What's the most important thing... In this world?' I questioned, big brother Indra spoke first, 'Strength and people to fear you...' he answered hurriedly, 'What about you, Ashura? What do you deem to be most important, in this world.' I remember, my voice had a whizz in it, time was running out... Ahura took his time, reflecting on what happened in his life, the bond shared between his parents, the bond shared between him and his brethren, the bond shared with all the people he had encountered, the children, the old people, the youth...

'Love...' he spoke... The room was quiet, because I wasn't expecting that... I was bewildered... Awe struck... Amazed... 'Ashura... Good boy, I used the power left in body to get up ruffle his hair, his dark chestnut eyes looked up, 'You are my successor.'... The anger, the blood lust... Was suffocating in the room, 'Preposterous! This incompetent fool! No, I won't accepts this! I just can't!' Indra was in raged, he worked hard to be my successor yes, but love was important, if people loved each other, there would be no bloodshed, I personally had never taught this to my children, but Ashura knew, I was privileged to have a son like him... But what happened afterward was not my intent, the beging of a vicious cycle, too bad I hadn't bestowed power on both sides equally... Too bad I hadn't done so... And with each reincarnation, the brothers clashed, and clashed, and clashed, and clashed until everything was left to nothing but debris.

And thus a vicious cycle of hatred, passed down into you, but this time is different, I bestowed power to both sides, equally, and I would love to see what will happen, hence my showing up in front of you, I want to see what will happen to this world destroyed by Shinobi.

Naruto's mouth was agape, he was a great story teller! "Wow, it's like being haunted by a ghost or something!'' she exclaimed simultaneously rubbing her arms... "So ninjustu and ninshu are the same thing right?" She was surprisingly excited and loud from being an edgy cat.

"Don't utter such nonsense again, ninshu and ninjustu are two different things, ninshu brings peace, it brings people together, but ninjustu brings death and suffering... Never compare the two my child..." He calmly warned.

"Oh... I'm sorry... Dad? Ouji-San? I'm confused..." She had her fingers on her chin, trying to figure out what to call him.

"Don't give it too much thought. And I had spoken to your brother." He said, "He hadn't changed at all from what he could decipher."

"By brother you mean Sasuke?" Her eyes widen, tears filled her eyes... He was talking to Sasuke too?


Sasuke put all his fallen comrades in his tent, they were battered and bruised, his gaze was dark, 'Itachi... Kill... Itachi...' that thought on repeat.

He sheathed his single aged sword, "Itachi... I'm coming for you..." He began walking... It good they were knocked out... ''Wait, you bastard! You weren't going to wake us! What a douche you are Sasuke!" That vulgar nature belonged only to Suigetsu, he wanted to follow, like a loyal dog. Well that was probably Jugō... He was in it for payback for what Kisame did...

But Karin lost some blood though... "Sasuke, don't leave us behind, we're a team, after all! Why the hell did you assemble us if you were going to leave us behind!?" She was determined... Not knowing she was just a tool to Sasuke, a useful one at that.

Sasuke's gaze didn't falter, "North-northwest." He started started walking, of course loyal boy Jugō ran to catch up.

"Just a glimpse..." Kisame told Itachi... Just a glimpse would be pleasurable...

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