Chapter 28: Six paths

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"Naruto, I am going to Danzo-Sama's aid." Sai hopped off Gamakichi and shushined away in mid air. He had an admirable sense of duty... Too bad he was under the tutelage of a Danzo.

Naruto stared at the surrounding, she was confused, "Oi, Fukasaku-San, why the hell are we in a wasteland?"

The dark green toad on Naruto's shoulder released a soft grunt, "Akatsuki..."

"The Akatsuki did this..." Naruto was too irked to even show anger nor anguish on her face. A loud boom apprehended Naruto's attention; it was at the Hokages tower, "Ba-Chan is in trouble. Let's go! Gamakichi, let's go!"

Gamakichi hopped off Chief Toad and rushed to the Hokage. The closer they reached the gruesome the terrain became, corpses of people, piles and piles of debris... Naruto felt guilty. Was she the cause? At this point there was no denying it... She brought trouble to the villagers... It was time to have some accountability and fix this mess.

Naruto arrived at the Hokages tower, Tsunade was bruised and bloodied, fighting for hers and Shizune's life. The stoic orange haired man relentlessly attacked... "Where is Naruto Uzumaki."

"Screw you, bastard. You won't get anything from me." She was determined not to speak. This struck a cord in Naruto. Yes, some individuals hadn't the slightest thread of affection towards Naruto. But they were some who cared, and protecting her loved ones was Naruto's sworn promise.

Gamakichi hopped one last time, every thing seemed to be in slow motion, Tsunade had her mouth agape, was this an angel? Her very own guardian angel... That bright blonde hair... Eyes like the vast, beautiful ocean.

Gamakichi landed in between Pein and her comrades. Her arms were folded, a scowl on her face, and orange circle around her eyes showing she meant business.

"That's enough Ba-Chan! Just sit back, have some tea and enjoy the show. I'll take care of everything!" Determination, she was going to send them back. No matter what.

"Are you responsible for this mess?" Naruto was furious to find the culprit.

"Are you Uzumaki Naruto?" Pein questioned ignoring her first question.

In a yellow flash, Naruto charged at Pein, Frog Kumite was alien to Pein so her moves were hard to read, knuckles flew at alarming speeds and the impact made loud thuds and booms.

"Almighty push!" Pein exclaimed, Naruto flew away, she hit the wall creating a crater. Fukasaku released a cough as he too was affected by the impact.

"Naruto! His jutsu... repels everything upon activation. Be careful." Fukasaku informed Naruto.

She looked irritated, "So you thought of telling me this now?"

"I'm an old man for Kami's sake!" He retorted, "Away from that let's destroy this-

A loud thud sounded in everyone's ears, dust obscured Naruto's vision. As the dust cleared, her eyes widened. They were now six of them... this wasn't fair...


Taka, exclusive of Sasuke were in room full of masks and numerous weapons, Madara informed them of Sasuke's quick recovery, but he wouldn't let them see him.

"I wonder when Madara will let me see Sasuke-Sama..." Jugo was down, like a puppy that hasn't seen its owner in weeks.

"Mm, I wouldn't care less about that pale prick. But he needs help me with my mission so I guarantee you will see him soon." Suigetsu assured Jugo in his own unique way.

"I hope so." Karin spoke stoically. She was curled up in a corner, she was less active nowadays. Probably missing her secret one time lover.

"No one cares what you think." Suigetsu was irked, he suddenly become more rude towards her... Maybe- No... But still... Could he?

Karin didn't bother retorting like usual, instead she layed her head on her knees. Jugo wondered the cause of tension. It was getting to him.

"What made you this hostile to each other?" Jugo broke the ice. They were acting immature, well, one of them was.

They kept their silence still, "You know, Karin, stress is t good for Sasuke-Sama's baby." Jugo spoke stoically. He was so nonchalant when saying that it caught Karin off guard when said it. Yes she knew that she was pregnant, but she didn't know Jugo knew.

She was awe struck, "... For how long have you known?" She questioned timidly, this wasn't like her.

"A week after Kisames attack... But I wasn't sure, so I waited another week to be sure." Jugo may not show it but he had keen sensory abilities.

Suigetsu was angry, he didn't know why, the thought of an Uchiha growing in her irritated the shit out of him. Maybe he was jealous... pshhh, as if, "I felt junior growing two days ago." He was the last to know. Jugo was the first, apparently... Then Karin.

"So you knew all along." You can't hide anything from these guys, "But how did you know it was Sasukes?"

"Oh, that? Well... it felt... like Sasuke; Uchiha like, so to be said." He was so perceptive.

"So why didn't you say anything?" Suigetsu interrogated her, she didn't answer of course. It's not like they were the father. She owed them no explanation. She only had to tell Sasuke, but Madara wouldn't let her... and infact, he warned her on telling him anything... he said it would disturb him.

"So are you going to tell Sasuke-Sama-

"Tell me what?" Karin squeaked hearing his voice, he was a complete different person, his cloths... his chakra... and most of all, his eyes. They were cold. As if something evil now inhabited them.

"That you got-

"Nothing on Jugo, he is way stronger than you! I wonder why you are the leader, you should-

"Enough. Your voice is annoying." Though he spoke with stoicism, it made everyone in the room tremble. What was this malice...? What was causing this reaction from Sasuke... he was like the wind, ever changing.

"Sasuke-Sama, how are you feeling!?" And when his owner comes, the puppy rejoices.

"Fine." Though it was a short sentence he felt reassured.

"That's great to hear, Sasuke-Sama."

"Karin, on my next mission your coming along will be crucial." He had an evil scowl on his face. 'Wait for me Danzo, I am coming for you.'


"You bastards!" Naruto exclaimed in a heated taijutsu battle with the Peins, sage mode amplified her strength, but, this was an unfair fight, 餓鬼道, Gakidō, was absorbing all her Jutsu, even her rasengan!

And every time she went for Tendō a summoning would come between them. These guys were in sync, acting as one.

Naruto was panting out of frustration, nothing was coming to her. Fukasaku noticed this and thought to his a Jiriaya's battle, suddenly he whispered in her ear. She nodded, that was Gakidō's queue, he came behind her swiftly, putting her in a submission, Shuradō charged her, the mechanized face have chills, though mechanic the blood lust was evident in his face, "Toad oil!" Fukasaku exclaimed, oil shoot through his mouth sending the mechanized human away.

"Think of something Naruto-Chan!" Fukasaku spoke continuing his attack on the paths. He was making tidal waves with the jutsu, astonishingly.

Naruto looked nonplussed... this was a bad position to be in, he could do anything at this point-
"Nature energy is unstable, so anyone that takes it in without proper training will suffer greatly." She heard Fukasaku's voice in her head. And those words of wisdom being heard, she released all her Nature energy.

The man behind her began trembling. He struggled to get away but no avail, she clutched onto his cloak, he slowly began to resemble Gamakichi, and gradually started turning into stone. And in a matter of seconds, he was nothing but a petrified frog statue now.

Naruto dropped to her knees, that was draining. But the fire of determination was bright in her eyes, her signature grin plastered on her face, "One down, four to go!"

To be continued

Merry Christmas! I know it's a bit late but come on, at least a said it. And what do you think about Sasuke and Karin's baby? For some reason I want you guys to get angry and angrier as the story progresses... Anyways bye!

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