Chapter 10: Beast Collecting

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"Shit... I should have gone with you, Itachi." Kisame said drenched with rain and blood. "He was strong for an old man, you know." Kisame said referring to the red head on his shoulder.

Itachi glanced at kisame, he had to admit, that was way quicker than expected. He was going up against a jinchūriki... The four tails at that... Roshi, the vessel of Sōn Gōku "Ok, it's stoping, let's go." Itachi went out the cave slowly, he cried enough... the rain seemingly by Itachi's commands stopped. He was more like a ninja meteorologist.

"And treat the elderly with more care, Kisame." Itachi said commandingly. It really looked wrong, Jinchūriki or not, he cared for his well being, he was old. 'I hope she doesn't suffer the same fate, she still has to keep Sasuke safe. She promised... she promised me.'

"Let's go, clan killer. We're gonna be late." Kisame wasn't one to be punctual, this showed how important their collecting was.

"let's go, then." Itachi continued walking behind Kisame. He was five meters away. He really didn't trust Kisame. And calling him clan killer...

Their walk was in silence, the other being an introvert, and another an extroverted prick; they weren't such a great combination. The atmosphere was ominous.

Not the striking silence... But the cold night.

This particular night had an ominous feeling to it. The moonlight making it more ominous... The day... That day Itachi dreaded the most... Massacre... The leaf village. All of them... Not a single one... Kill...

-Flash Back-

"Itachi... What... Happened?" A small blonde girl asked; the sight she beheld was mortifying... The piled up corpses, the scent of blood... It was nauseating.

"Itachi... W-what happened?" tears escaped her cerulean eyes, "Where... Is S-Sasuke? W-where are your parents?"

The silence was menacing. The kind, gentle, man Naruto knew had Gore drenched clothes covering him, his eyes had a unique motif from the typical sharingan; the mangekyoū sharingan. An optic prowess... One thats manifested only in those closely blood related to Indra Ōtsutsuki...

"Naruto..." His voice was cold. He sounded scary, this made her tremble and move back, "Come... Here. " He offered her a bloody hand. Naruto cautiously took it, it was uncomfortably warm. "Take care of him..." Itachi said, Naruto instinctively figured he was talking about Sasuke. "Love him... cherish him... You are his paradise, you are his get away from dejection, promise me you will... " What was Itachi saying? "You are his sun..." Itachi said, his body slowly turning into crows...


"So please take care of him, promise me... Please...." Naruto heard his last words crystal clear before he vanished. She was traumatized...

-End of flashback-

It was late, the moon looked beautiful at Mount Myōbōku. The serenade of the frogs was relaxing. Naruto's body felt grimy, and sticky. She decided a bath would hit the spot. She really needed it... Really. She walked to the fall, she wished she had fire nature, a hot bath would be relaxing. But for now, frigid, frog water was all she had.

She slowly took off her clothes, first her jumper, then her trunks, and her bra and panties came after. She then slowly made her way to the fall, and entered.

"Ouch...!" Naruto silently screamed in pain, she had a body ache all over. The training was vigorous. And the cold water gave her goose bumps.

Naruto began washing her body. This was somewhat relaxing, the fire flies and the moon where plenty of light to highlight her features. Her slim waist, her wide hips, her breasts... She was perfect... Even beyond that. Her long hair long hair covering her breasts and her- um... Womanhood... Yeah,woman hood.

Sai couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was. He wanted to go out and pee, but saw something that only Kami was capable of showing to Sai. Thank Kami-Sama.

He was frozen... His eyes glued on her beautiful, form. Her face was absolutely stunning. She made her way to the source of the fall, her back facing Sai, he had to admit, she had an amazing ass.

Sai continued watching for what felt like ages, never getting tired of watching her. Sai had an erection. He wouldn't be normal if he didn't, even a gay would love to be in her!

"Sai... Sai! You pervert, gross, I didn't expect this from you! Ew, ew, ew, ew, you sick, paler than snow freak!" Naruto sensed the constant chakra behind her, it felt weird... It wasn't frog like at all! And when she turned it was something she didn't expect not even in a thousand years!

"No, no, no! It's not what you think. I was- ouhh!" Sai was rasenganed right in the gut. He didn't even notice her get into her clothes... And most of all, he didn't even finish Justifying himself. Sai laid on the ground for Kami-Sama knows how long.

Naruto left him there... Alone... Cold... And full of bugs in his stomach... Frog food was disgusting, "Why Kami-Sama... Why? Why show me heaven if the price was this severe?" Sai asked... His stomach burnt... He couldn't move so he decided to just sleep there. It was peaceful. His concious decided it was worth it after all, he would take a million more where that came from. Just for Naruto.

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