Chapter 1: Sasuke Uchiha

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It's been 3 years since Naruto and her Sensei Jiriaya left for training, currently Naruto was sixteen years old she had grown from a childish prankster to a beautiful strong young lady.


"Hey Sensei how long until we arrive to the hidden leaf ?" Asked Naruto with a home sick expression plastered on her face.

"Hmm" hummed the perverted sage "I think about one or two days from now" He said with a smirk on his face.

"I really need some ramen you
Know" she said "I can't function right without my darling ramen"

"Sorry kid I can't do anything about it right now we're in the middle of the forest, there's no ramen here"
Said Jiriaya while running the back of his head with a sheepish grin

Naruto and Jiriaya had continued to walk until it got dark

"Hey Naruto, I think we should set up camp here" he said while putting his luggage down.

"Ohh yes,finally a break from all the walking" Naruto said also putting her luggage down and grabbing a sleeping bag.

"I'll take the first watch" Jiriaya said while pulling out some writing material from his bag,maybe to write a sequel for his non-selling books!

"Thanks,pervy sage"

Soon after Naruto drifted off to sleep and began dreaming, dreaming about that one person that she loved so much and still loves.


"Sasuke, no don't go please stay" Naruto begged

"And if I stay then what?"
"will it help with my revenge?"
Sasuke asked coldly

"Sasuke revenge is never the right thing to do,if you kill your brother what will you gain from it!?" Naruto exclaimed furiously

"What I'll gain from it huh, I'll gain the chance to kill that bastard I'll gain the chance to kill the man that ruined my childhood!" Sasuke shouted

This was really shocking to Naruto and Sasuke, Sasuke had never shouted at Naruto. Naruto could feel it she could feel her best friends chakra getting colder and colder by the second, Love was replaced by anger and hatred.

"Sasuke...what happened to you?" Naruto asked with tears in her eyes

"Nothing happened to me. Naruto you once told me people become stronger when protecting something special to them...well you were wrong people become stronger only through hatred. Hatred is the only way a person can become stronger."

"Sasuke your wrong you only become stronger when you have someone or something special to protect.The bonds that we have with people we love make us stronger"

"Hn, those bonds only make us weaker
And that's why am going to sever all those bonds."

"Sasuke am not going to let you do that even if it means beating you half to death!"

"Hn, you think you can beat me? Ha..ha..hahahahaha! " sasuke laughed
Maniacally at what Naruto said " you think you can beat me?"

Sasuke charged at Naruto full speed


Naruto and Sasuke were battling it out the fight was so was no longer genin fighting they were monsters.

Sasuke's chakra become so cold,he let the curse mark transform him to such a grotesque level were his skin became light grey,his eyes were now black the only light was his crimson red eyes which now had three tomoe each.

But who was Naruto to judge, her body was covered by an orange-ish redish chakra that was acting like a shield and an attack mechanism.
The cloak now had three tails this was an amazing battle to watch, a battle of Titans.

" Do you know where we are Naruto,this is the final valley it's the perfect setting for our lat battle"

"Chidori" Sasuke called out has lighting formed in his left hand...but some thing was off about his Chidori, it was black and grey,the sound of a million chirping birds increased has he added more chakra making his Chidori lager and stronger.

" Naruto stared in astonished at Sasuke has the Chidori became bigger and stronger but it was just for a short second until......
" Rasengan " Naruto screamed has a blue round ball of chakra was in her hand spinning at a crazy speed not even the sharingan could keep up with blinding speed.

Sasuke began flying towards Naruto with killing intent written all over his face. Naruto leaped up in the air also having the same look on her face.


"Ahhhh" Naruto screamed with fear written all over her face

"Naruto,calm down it was all a nightmare" Jiriaya told her

"Oh" Naruto said with a sad look on her face.

"Was it about him" asked Jiriaya

Naruto just kept quiet to avoid the question.

"Ok, get some sleep we have a long way to go tomorrow" Jiriaya said to Naruto.

"Okay Sensei,good night" Naruto said with a small grin on her face

Jiriaya knew what the dream was about. Every time Naruto dreamt about him she would avoid his question by keeping quiet,she knew if she lied he was going to find out easily. So she chose to keep quiet.

'Sasuke,are you thinking about me? Do you know how much I love you? Are you still obbesin about killing Itachi? I just hope your okay,were ever you are'


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