Chapter 45: Congratulations?

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"The father is... Sasuke." Karin spoke with a small grin on her face, a slight gleam in her eyes and a hint of scarlet on her cheeks. Was she being honest?

Naruto felt her heart beat rapidly against her chest, "Uchiha Sasuke?" Eyes wide and mouth agape, Naruto inquired yet again, in awe and disbelief , "Uchiha Sasuke?"

Karin nodded slightly, despite him trying to kill her she still loved him, "I hope he- or she grows to be kind and smart." Karin added. The opposite of her father, in terms of kindness, that is.

Naruto on the other hand felt... betrayed? She didn't know how to process all of this... was she supposed to be happy for Sasuke and Karin? Or be mad? She didn't know. Naruto had strong feelings for her best friend. It was clear at this point, she loved Sasuke, and the thought of him being with another woman was infuriating, "C-congratulations... Hope he or she grows to be a good person." she spoke nonchalantly, without any further word spoken, she ran off.

Kakahi was listening the entire time. Not his cup of eavesdropping but this was serious. Sasuke was going to be a father? A few words were spoken by Naruto and Instantly, he saw Naruto's golden hair blow past him, "H-hey, Naruto!" Kakashi tried calling her but to no avail. The news must have hit her bad, even though she denied having feeling for Sasuke in the open, deep down he knew what she felt.

The leaf was being built up at a baffling rate, the infrastructure looked brand new and the design was altered. Despite the changes, Naruto was still familiar with the place. Her complex was rebuilt, this time making her apartment bigger, one of the many privileges of being the village hero.

Naruto quickly ran into her apartment slamming the door shut. It was significantly spacious, the wooden floors finished to perfection, giving them an elegant glossy look, the walls were painted orange, the broken glasses replaced... it was a major upgrade from last time. But in the state Naruto was in she had no time to take in and appreciate her renovated home.

Her eyes where blurry from the tears so navigating by sight was out of the equation. She moved on memory of her old apartment, luckily the rooms still held their functions. She found her way to her bedroom, the bed was bigger than she remembered.

jumping on bed face first in her pillow she exclaimed. Her voice escaped her mouth, she felt angry, betrayed, sad and- "Fucking Sasuke!" Tears streamed down her face, "Why, you fucking bastard!" Her crying could be heard through the entire complex. Luckily most of them where not around. Her heart hurt so much, so so much.

She cleared her eyes, drowned by anger now, she opened her new window vigorously, the air blowing her hair backwards, "Fuck-Fuck you teme!" The people who were walking below her complex were caught off guard. Why the vulgarness? Most of them wondered.

Vigorously slamming her window shut, cracks emerged, why? Why did she feel so angry? She knew she loved him, but if that was the case wasn't she supposed to be happy for him? The constant  pondering soon turned the anger to sadness, her knees got weak, collapsing on the ground, she begun weeping, him, being a dad...? "Why? Why! God damnit!"

Hours had elapsed, her eyes were puffy and red, she felt so bad... So bad. Bad was an understatement, it was something beyond bad.


Sai and Sakura where at a new cafe, it was pleasant, and it seemed most of the people here were couples. The atmosphere was... different? Because of their relationship.

"Hey Sai, do you have any idea why Naruto ran off?" Sakura asked, she worried about Naruto. She was like her younger sister

"I'm not really sure. I think you should check on her." Sai said with a small smile on his face. 

"You really think so, huh?" Alright, Naruto wouldn't have ran off over something irrelevant, "Okay, I'm going." She down her coffee and ran off towards the complex.

Sai watched as she ran off. His smile slowly dying, "What do you want?" He asked one of the root agents that had been watching him and Sakura.

"Oh, nothing really. Just wanted to know if you're aware."

"Yes, he's dead." Sai spoke nonchalantly. He witnessed his death actually. The chains were broken, he was free. He was back to being a blank canvas, but this time he held the brush, he could dictate what was going to happen in his life.

"So what are you going to do. You're free now." The mysterious man spoke. This man was lost too. He had no idea what to do, just like Sai.

"What I'm going to do...?" a small blush crept on Sai's face, "I'm going to make more friends." He smiled at the man. This took him by surprise, ever since he came back from mount Myoboku, he had changed, that girl changed him, "What are you going to do?"

"Mmm, I think I'm going to travel. Maybe write a book." The mysterious man raised his hand to his mask gingerly pulling it off, he had curly brown hair and bright green eyes with a small scar at the end of his mouth, "So until we see each other again, make a lot of friends." He ruffled Sai's hair before vanishing.


"Naruto! Open up, it's me, Sakura!" The apartment was oddly quiet, "I hope she hasn't done anything stupid to herself." Sakura pushed the door open, and the sight greeted her was beyond pleasant-

To be continued

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