Chapter 15: Sage Mode Activated

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'I need them.' Jiriaya said in pursuit of safety from them. The short time he spent exchanging blows, he learnt they were strong. He had to prepare.

"Konan, go make sure they reach my location unharmed and unseen. We don't know if he has backup."

A reluctant "H-hai." Escaped her as she left. Her frie- master was dangerous... Though he couldn't harm her, she feared him... 'Master should fear him, too.' Her thought was referring to Jiriaya. Suddenly memories proceeded to flood her mid, the place where the chakra was most ample coming into view... 'Not now. No.'

Jiriaya was currently in a meditational pose; he was collecting nature energy, when that was done, he could summon those two, "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon-"

"Found you." The familiar monotone voice spoke sending chills down Jiriaya's spine, "Kage-bushin no jutsu!" He exclaimed as three exact copies of him emerged from a thick smoke, they charged quickly, the first lashing out with a barrage of punches.

Almost like he knew the future, evaded the ferocious blows, a distinctive 'poof' rang in Jiriaya's ears as the first clone disappeared from Pein's attack, a spear sent Pein tumbling with the second clone, as quick as lighting, he kicked the clone on the chin sending it flying into the ceiling, instantaneously Jiriaya weaved a sign which surprisingly, Pein did not manage to make out, bullets of water were shot intent on killing Pein.

The clones charged at Pein at blinding speed with the real one not too far behind shooting the water bullets. The first clone attacked him with his long mane-like hair, the attacks were fast and relentless, but the foe evaded the ferocious attacks with ease and landed a stunning knee in it's stomach, the distinctive 'poof' rang, the clone disappeared.

Pein not really expecting it, was speared by another clone. He and the clone rolled in a ball of fury, until Jiriaya saw an opening and grabbed his opponents head delivering a head bat to the nose, then two knees ensuring it was completely broken, and freed him jumping back to square up with the original.

"I thought you were dead." Jiriaya teased.

The rasengans distinctive sound was heard has all three Jiriaya's created two rasengan in each hand and charged at Pein. When he was about to hit, Pein teleported leaving behind no trace of his scent nor chakra signature.

Jiriaya was dumbfounded at what just happened, "Wha-What just happened!?" Jiriaya asked himself, until he heard him speak, "I didn't die." Pein said in the centre of three Jiriaya's. He was perplexed, he never thought anyone could move that fast, unfortunately, his contemplating was short lived when they were pulled to Pein by a strange force.

"Almighty push!" Pein exclaimed, pushing them back like ragdolls.


"A new way... Let's try it." Naruto stood dusting herself.

"Kagebushin no jutsu." Fukasaku said with a smug look on his face, "Have you noticed, when a kagebushin embarks somewhere without the caster of the jutsu seeing what it's doing, when it's destroyed, the caster gains all the experiences it had. Thats why it's good for collecting information." His smug smirk grew even wider.

"And how is that going to help with my training?'' she asked looking at the frog irked.

"You are going to collect nature energy using the clones, but the risk are the same. An unbalanced number of energies, turns you into a toad."

"Woooow! That's genius! You are amazing Fukasaku-San!"

Naruto was literally vibrating in her place, why did she not notice the use of her jutsu! "I praise the genius who created kagebushin no jutsu!"

Sai only watched from the giant elephant plant. His mission was easier than expected. But he had to keep an eye out for Fukasaku-San.

"And by the way, I don't like fake smiles." Those words played on repeat in his head as a reminder to stay diligent... Sai of the root.

'Work in the shadows... Act as a root to hold up the great tree known as the hidden leaf.' Sai's gaze was... Cold... It was-

"Sai! I am going home again! I just need to work a bit harder and I am all done!" She was exited. Her jovial demeanor came back in an instant.

"Ok. That's good to hear." Sai said nonchalantly.

"So Naruto, here is the catch. I will only be able to handle two shadow clones..."

"Why sensei?" Naruto was interested. They had to be a big reason for this.

"I am way too old to handle ten of you." He said stretching his back, "Anywho, when you do master it, sparing is next; the Frog way, to show you what one can achieve once in Sage Mode."

"Alright!" She was so excited. And too loud for Sai's liking...


"Sasuke, I have something I have to ask you..."

Sasuke didn't respond, a glare was all he gave in reply.

"Your scent... And your chakra seem... Kinda off, is everything-

"Do not worry, and mind your own business." He said sternly with that indifferent expression on his face, the lack of emotion in a human being was abnormal, but Sasuke took that to a whole other level... No smiles, no laughter, no fear, no tears... Nothing.

"Oh, I'm sorry... " A sad expression downed on her face. Why was he like this... Is there anyone he could ever open up to? Karin spectated as Sasuke and her affiliates walked...

"Sasuke!" She exclaimed whole heatedly.

"I promise! One day, you will open up to me; you will share your pain with me! And... Until that day comes, I will love you forever no matter what will transpire!" Tears filled her eyes, "I will be by your side through any trials and tribulations!"

A response... Please.

To be continued

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