Chapter 27: Return 2

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After grasping Madaras hand, Sasuke engendered an alliance with him. They had a common motive; the destruction of the leaf. Madara edified Sasuke about the Mangekyou Sharingan, its effects were execrables, but it was strong nonetheless. And later he appraised him on the people who were involved in the Itachi incident... His mission was to eliminate Danzo. He was the ring leader.

"So tell me Sasuke. How do your eyes feel." Madara question. He had keen interest in this one. He was very special. And not a day would pass without asking that very question.

"Fine." His answer was blunt and simple. It was like speaking was very draining to the young Uchiha. But that was the answer he received everyday.

"Zetsu said he hasn't had an espy of Danzo. Scrutinizing your recovery, we can commences the first phases of our endeavor. Once we know his where abouts that is."

"Alright." A plastered scowl was on Sasuke's face. His chakra was beyond baleful... Beyond frigid. Kill was on repeat in his mind.


"You bastard!" Chojis father exclaimed, his son was pushed away slamming into a wall. He heard bones crack.

"I ask, where is Naruto Uzumaki-

"No one will tell you that, you son of a bitch! We won't sell out a fellow Leaf Shinobi!" Inoichi spoke up. He was currently laying on the ground. That Jutsu was something... And what got to him was that his jutsu had no effect on him.

Choza rushed to his sons lifeless body , "Oi Choji, are you alright?" His father inquired.

"Yeah, I am. I can still fight, after all, that bastard killed Kakashi sensei-

"Yeah, he's going to die for that."

"Oi, who said I was dead?" Kakashi questioned from behind the dual gaining perplexed remarks.

"How come, Kakashi?!" Choza exclaimed. This wasn't the first time he faked his death, it was getting exasperating, "Do you have a fetish for faking your death!?" Choza was now enraged.

"Enough." Pein rose his hand, the debris around began floating and a barrage of bricks and blocks was shoot at them.

They started dodging, running around like little insects. It was amusing to Peins eyes.

"I have a hunch." He said while dodging the attacks.

Shikaku knew his hunches were 99.9 percent correct most of the time. So him having one was major advantage, "We're all ears." Shikaku spoke.

"There's an interval before he can use his jutsu. Five seconds."

"So five seconds to attack... Sounds easy enough." Shikaku was impressed, he noticed the smallest detail in the heat of battle.

Shikaku and Aburame's abilities were crucial at this moment. Using hand signs Kakashi gave them orders.

"I thought I killed you." Pein felt taunted. His being alive was mocking... "How incompetent of me. I'll make sure you stay dead."

Quicker than sound he charged toward Kakashi, he was the most troublesome here, he made a fist planning on piercing Kakashi with it, but Aburame sent insects towards Pein obstructing his vision, and it was now Shikaku's queue, Peins movements were halted, Shikaku's shadow constricting him like a serpent.

Immediately Kakashi got a kunai wanting to end it with one slice to his throat. "Almighty push." He said stoically, everything around him and everyone was blown away. Pein leaped in the air catching Kakashis leg.

He spun in the air gaining momentum and used him as a hammer and slammed his head on the ground. This didn't kill Kakashi though, Pein proceeded to run his arm through him but Aburame's insects interjected. Peins aver went to him, "Die, insolent bastard."

He shot a black metal rod into Aburame's stomach, blood gushed out of his mouth, his heed then went back to Kakashi, his arm rose, and in an instant it permeated through Kakashi, his eyes widen from the pain...  His body started getting numb... And before he knew it, he had blacked out.

"Choza, Choji, now!" Kakashi exclaimed with the little air in his body left.

"Partial expansion jutsu!" They exclaimed simultaneously, Choza enlarged his hands to keep Pein at bay, and Choji was going to swat him like a fly. But the early bird gets the worm. And unfortunately, five seconds already passed.

"Almighty push," Choji flew away at a high velocity. So did Choza. Pein turned around, his gaze on Choza, he threw an onyx rod at him. It pierced through his heart. Choji watched in terror.

"Father!" He cried out rushing to his aid. "Are you alright?" Trauma was evident on his face.

"Run... Go... To... Hokage Sama." His eyes lost color, Choji instinctively began running, straight to the Hokage.


Shikamaru and Sakura stared at the sight below them... it was mortifying at the least, dead bodies and all sorts of creatures causing carnage... they needed a savior... Someone who could protect their Vi- "Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed in desperation, tears were streaming down her face, "Come back, Naruto!"

Shikamaru stared at her, pity evident on his usually expressionless face, "Sakura, Naruto isn't-

"Shut up! She went to get stronger to protect her home, she never goes back on her word, that's her ninja way! So Naruto will come back! Naruto!"

Her voice echoed through out the village... Shikamaru stared at her...


The distinct poof sound of a summoning jutsu sounded in Sakura's ears, her emerald eyes widened. Yes... Yes... "Naruto!"

She made quite an appearance. She was standing on Gamakichi who was on Gamatatsu who was standing on Gamabunta. Along with Gamaken on her right and Gamahiro to her left. And most importantly, Sai on her side.

Sakura felt at peace, her heart started beating slowly... Finally...

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