Chapter 39: Fading Light

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"W-who are you?" Naruto felt vulnerable in the presence of this man.

"Your knowing my identity is irrelevant as of now. I'm simply here to tell you something important." Naruto couldn't sense any hostility from him, but his chakra told her to be prudent and keep her distance.

"And what do you have to say?" Naruto inquired somewhat timidly.

"It's about Sasuke," The man looked out the window of the motel room, the blizzard had stopped, "And most importantly, Itachi."

Naruto was all ears, "And w-what about them?" Naruto was in a squatting position, her instincts told her not to let this man have an opening.

"Sasuke has thrown away his humanity, the only emotion his able to cope with is hatred, and has ironically given up on the Leaf; the village his brother sacrificed everything to protect."

"What are you getting at?" She couldn't feel any deceit from the man. He was truthful with everything he was spouting.

"Itachi was forced to kill his clan. All in suspicion of it plotting a coup d'état, he had limited options, kill your little brother or kill your entire clan and keep your brother safe. You already know the outcome. And right now as we speak, Sasuke is fighting the one who forced his brother to take such drastic actions." A spiral formed at the window frame were Madara was sitting, and he slowly permeated through it, "Sasuke isn't far, if you rush, you can find him." He spoke as he completely disappeared.

Naruto's mouth was agape, "Crap, what to do, what to do..." If she waltz out the room casually, Kakashi and Yamato wouldn't let her take a step further.

Naruto looked at the wooden floor, "Sorry."


-One hour ago-

"Sasuke Uchiha!" The Raikage leaped to the ceiling throwing a haymaker at Sasuke, he dodged the attack, debris flying everywhere in the room.

His gaze strictly on Danzo, Sasuke charged like lighting, his sword unsheathed, and his eyes crimson with rage. And in a twinkling, sparks flew as iron collided; Fuu had stopped him. Sasuke retracted, and a vehement sword fight begun, Fuu thrusted his sword multiple times at Sasuke's abdomen, his attacks were mere blurs, but despite all his effort, nom pierced him. The Uchiha dodged as if knowing the future, but that was far from the case, everything... everything... 'Everything is slow.'

Sasuke dodged a lightning fast attack, grabbing Fuu's shirt pulling him down to a sharp knee to his throat, blood gushed from his mouth as he staggered.

Sasuke used his head as a stepping stone. Danzo was just right there, smiling, 'Stay there, son of bitch-

"Where do you think your are going!" The Raikage grabbed Sasuke's leg throwing him through wall-
Taka watched as Sasuke flew out the room.

He landed down with loud thud as wind flew due to the impact, Taka was in a heated battle with Tetsus no Kuni's samurai. There attacks were so hard to read, and their numbers where overwhelming. The Raikage leaped out the room, and onto Sasuke's chest, the ground shook as the soles of his feet made contact. lightning enveloped his right hand. "Lariat!"

Sasuke watched as the jutsu made contact with his Susanoo, his face mere inches from the Raikage's fist. The blonde man struggled trying to penetrate the purple rib cage enveloping Sasuke, slowly but sure it was cracking, the impenetrable amor was cracking, 'If that fist touches me, I'm dead.'

Sasuke concentrated his chakra in his left eye, "Amaterasu," The rib age was surrounded by the scorching onyx flame, the Raikage jumped back; his right arm on fire, he intently at the flame wasn't going out.

Gaara made it out of the room in time to see the Raikage cut off his lower arm, "This is getting serious, I'm going to intervene." Gaara spoke, Kankuro and Temari had discouraged his joining. But Sasuke wasn't any ordinary shinobi.

Sand was shot at the speed of bullets at Sasuke, all disintegrating as they made contact with Sasuke's partial Susanoo.

"My defense is greater than even yours, Gaara." Sasuke spoke looking up to the man, "No matter what you do, it won't touch me. So just move out of my way."

Gaara didn't bother responding, he slowly walked out through the hole leaping down to the battle ground. Gaara wasn't going to fight Sasuke... He meant a lot to Naruto so hurting him was out of the equation, as of now that is.

"Sasuke, stop what you are doing and go back to your home, you have people waiting for you. People who care for you-

"Don't lecture me. I came here for one reason and one reason only. And it wasn't to get lectured by weak bastard."

Gaara threw barrages of sand at Sasuke, the impact produced the sound of a gun, it was endless, the other Kage watched as Gaara did so. He maybe the youngest but he definitely wasn't the weakest. Gaara ceased the onslaught, stubborn bastard.

"Sasuke- Gaara spoke simultaneously with a feminine voice, he looked at the source to see a red haired woman, most likely his comrade... steppingstone.

"Danzo is escaping, his chakra is moving!" Karin informed him, her concentration was on Danzo. She had goosebumps constantly paying attention to it. It was evil.

"You go Sasuke-Sama! I'll take care of this!" Jugo threw away the curtain he covered his body with, his body began taking on grotesque features, time to let loss, his skin took on a dark chestnut color, his shoulder had gourd like growth and had multiple spikes stuck out of them, his lower arm had large oval like shields.

"Let's go, Karin," Sasuke grabbed Karins hand, he needed her for this, though the time he used the Susanoo was brief, it took a lot out of him.

The Raikage watched as Sasuke ran off, he wasn't going away, lightning enveloped his body, he got into a running position and started off, but Jugō caught the man from the side of his eye, "Your fight is here!" He grabbed the Raikage slamming his into the ground. Jugo was on the right path for suicide.

Karui and Omoi watched as their leader stood from the crater the attack had caused, he looked so angry, steam emanated from him, it was two agonist one... All this time he was holding back... "Get ready to die here." He handy had that menacing scowl anymore, no... He looked calm... Suigetsu could see this was going to be dangerous, he instantly got in a defensive stance, "Get ready, Jugō."

To be continued

Fight scenes are so hard to write...

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