Chapter 30: Rasen-Shuriken

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Naruto's heart beat vehemently against her chest. Ever since the destruction of one of them they attacked more ferociously and co-ordinated. Naruto was scared. Their attacks burnt, like a scorching iron rod being pressed into your flesh...

A five against one taijutsu battle. Naruto's movements where swift, her attacks sharp and precise. She attacked with her all. Aiming on vital points like the chin, temple and nose. Her attacks were strong, producing a boom every tone they landed.

Baffling, they had no effect. They kept on attacking, stabbing her with onyx rods, kicking and punching her senseless. 'Do it. Do it now... kill them.' A voice spoke, it's origin was obscure...

Naruto leaped back, bloodied and panting, she made a rasengan, she hadn't the slightest thread of curiosity of who was speaking to her. It was happening frequently during battle. Fukasaku watched as it started spinning faster and gradually took the shape of a shuriken, he watched her concentrate more than he had ever seen before. And gradully the alien jutsu grew larger. She raised her hand to the sky, "Hope you're ready." She threw the Jutsu, it's speed was equivalent to lighting. It blew away the debris in its path. And in a twinkling.

It hit Gedō and Asura, the wind chakra expanded, swallowing what ever was in its circumjacent, and permeated in the air fading away.

The dust cleared revealing nothing but a cut up corpse, bits of a machine and the very rods they used to stab her.

That was draining, blood ran down her lips, her body was burning... "C'mon, you're next." She pointed at Deva path.

His eyes looked lifeless... he slowly rose his pale, bloodied hand, "Gravitational pull." He spoke nonchalantly, she was pulled towards him. And in a heart beat she she was slammed to the ground from her throat, nobody, no jinchuriki had destroyed this many paths...

Sensei only took one... But she was swatting them. Good thing Yahiko was alright, "This is futile, just give up, Nine tails." He hadn't the motivation to kill... Something was stopping him...

Naruto kicked Pein's chin pushing him off, "I can't do that. I have to pay you back for destroying my village." She ran towards him, but human path blocked her path. She pulled out a Kumasi and attacked the man.

He swiftly dodged the attacks pulling out a black rod to stab her again, Naruto blocked then countering with a punch to his nose, he tried to stab her neck but Naruto ducked grabbing his legs lifting him up then slammed him, "Rasen-shutiken!" She threw it at the woman, while holding the man by his neck. it blew her back, disintegrating her bodies composition.

"Rasengan!" She attacked above him, swiftly he tilted his, debris flew everywhere, he punched her chin trying to shake her off, but the grit she had wouldn't let her, Naruto punched the man, the ground shook, she punched and punched senseless, her hands were covered in blood, with each lunch hthe rods escaped his face. Her body went limp. She sat on the corpse panting, she had one more shadow clone... meaning two more rasen shuriken were in the tank. Her body heart, she was scared...

"Fukasaku-San, please summon the other clone." Her body was burning, her hands throbbing, she sustained a lot of injuries. But she her sage mode nullified some of the pain. And now that it was fading... it hurt like a son of a bitch!

"Sure don't worry- He couldn't complete his sentence.

Blood splat every, the old toads mouth was agape and gasping for air. It happened so quickly, Pein dropped the toad to ground with the murder weapon in tact, "Pesky old toad." He spoke as though he was spitting venom, he was irritated. It would be an insult if he survived both their encounters.

Naruto watched in denial. This was not happening, he killed thousands and now he wanted to take Fukasaku-San, Naruto ran to the life body, "No, no, no! Stay alive... c'mon don't give up, Fukasa-

Pein grabbed her hair, he pulled her to the air, she squirmed wanting to hold the toads corpse. He slammed her head to the ground.

She was bleeding from her forehead. This was the most she had been ever been pushed... "Why... Why are you doing this! You kill innocent people, and for what!? Just leave!"

"I am doing it for revenge. The leaf has always been strong, it trampled the weak... And not only the leaf, the other large nations too, they came to settle their differences in Takikagure, that's my home. And because my people die. The great nations deem my peoples lives are expendable, that infuriated me. And that's why I need what's inside you to destroy this accursed world, we're the weak are treated gruesomely, I want peace for my people," Pein created a black rod and stabbed her hands.

A grunt of pain escaped her, she felt a weird chakra coursing through the rod into her, "That's not always the answer!-

"Then what is?" Pein squatted to look at her, she was laying on her stomach.

Naruto kept quiet. She remembered Ero-Senin talking about the hate in the world of Shinobi, how he said she could find the answer to this problem he tried years to fix. How he called her the child of prophecy... "My sensei Jiriaya talked about hate in the world... And he said I would find the solution to quench the vicious cycle. But when it came to it... I couldn't do anything." Tears ran down her face, why was this happening... why...?

He was taken aback by the that name, "Pain is normal. You have to know pain, accept pain, contemplate pain... Once you do that, resentment will arise, and once you hone that and make it your weapon, you can conquer this world. Hate is all one needs-

"You're wrong! It's not that-

"Tell me! Uzumaki Naruto! Do you resent me!? I destroyed your village killed thousands of people and yet you claim you don't resent!" He snapped, he was raging. He had gone rogue. He could do anything...

"No, Naruto!" Hinata was Naruto's best friend. She was always there for her... and in all honesty, this wasn't the time to be a friend... it was time to

"Run away Hinata, run away!"

She attacked Pein, his lifeless expression was now a baleful grin. He dodged all her attacks. He flicked his finger and in an instant, she was airborne, Naruto watched in terror of what the fall would do.

She landed on the ground, a loud thud filled her ears. This man was beyond evil, "Hinata..." Naruto whispered, she stood up, determination was evident on her pale face, "Leave Naruto alone- Eight trigrams sixty four palms!"

He flicked his finger again, this time taking her higher, she landed and this there was no movement from her... a pool of blood began forming.

"Yes, let anger take over, rage... kill every one and everything! Let me out!"

"Do you resent me now! I killed your friend, resent me!" Pein was showing her reality. Reality in his own unique way. Where someone dies and never comes back.

Naruto felt it bubble... her seal was bubbling, there was a bang too. Like someone was aggressively on a wooden... Gate. It got louder and louder! The scariest roar she had ever heard. Permeated through out her head, "Let me out... Let me kill him... kill everyone... Kill!"

To be continued

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