Chapter 35: Team Samui

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The trio had covered prodigious grounds, the leaf was a mere one kilometer, it took three whole days to reach their destination, "Oh yes, I am going to kill that rogues affiliates." Karui spoke, she wasn't thinking of the consequences that would cause.

"Don't speak like that Karui, it might-

"That's enough out of you!" She picked a stone and fervidly threw at the Darui's head, he ducked the stone and watched as it went over the gate of the leaf, "That was so reckless, what if it hits a boulder which then rolls down, hits a mountain causing an avalanche..."

"That's impossible you dumb ass!" Karui hated his over cautious nature, he had to let loss from time to time. Sadly the only time could see him being himself was when fighting.

"Enough you two, where almost there." Samui walked towards the gates of the leaf. It was daunting taking a step further inside as they were no guards. It was conspicuous..

"That's odd. Aren't there guards at every gate?" Omoi was getting a bad feeling... And as he drew closer into the land, he saw what was left of the leaf. It was in shambles, he had a feeling it was Karui's fault.

"Oh my, what happened here?" Samui was nonplussed, it said to be the ill age with the most developed infrastructure, but now it was...

"Hey Karui, isn't this the stone you threw at me earlier?" He picked a up a random stone, Karui was taken aback-

"Hide that you little prick! I didn't do anything-

"Enough you two, I'm going to take this to the Hokage. So just stay still." Samui walked off, it was going to be hard navigating the wasteland. People where clearing the place, and some where building. She had to ask for help... But they seemed busy, it would take a while to locate the Hokage.

The dual watched as their leader walked off, they looked at each other and nodded, they were going to ask about that Uchiha...

Naruto, Sakura and Sai where off guard duty protecting Tsunade-Sama, six teams were stationed, each team taking shifts of four hours to complete a whole day, and today they had the first shift.

"Oh, that was so tiring." Naruto voiced, she hated getting up early. And something really strange transpired, Ino ignored her... She offered her a high five but was ignored... This really got to her and had her thinking...

"Hey Naruto, you look so tired, why don't we hang out today, I heard the spa has a tent, so-

Omoi and Karui landed on the, dust flowing from their feet due to the impact, "Oi, do any of you know Sasuke Uchiha?" Karui uttered filled with hostility, the trio was dumbfounded, they were in a foreign land, and asking questions like they owned the place.

"It's none of you business." No body had to be told who uttered these words. Naruto approached the dual, "You can't walts in and ask about Sasu-

In a twinkling, Karui unsheathed her katana slashing Naruto's throat, Naruto leaned back dodging the attack, Karui's parter gingerly unsheathed his sword appearing behind Naruto ready to attack, swiftly, Sai parried his attacks creating sparks from the collision.

"Shanarou!" Banshee exclaimed punching the ground to create distance, Karui briskly evaded the debris her punched caused and kicked her stomach sending the girl flying, Naruto mouth was agape, no- A shadow clone appeared catching Sakura as the original clasped her hands catching Karui's slash, "Stop... What do you want with Sasuke!?"

"Shut it, bitch!" She vehemently retracted her sword slicing Naruto's palms. Why the hostility, she just wanted to talk but was attacked instead.

"What did Sasuke do?" Naruto had goosebumps. What did he get himself into? Her heat felt hot... Sasuke, what have you done. She felt scared. Why?

"Tch, your bastard ninja kidnapped Lord Bee!" Karui was beyond angry, she wanted to kill Sasuke... But this blonde bitch wasn't going to make it easy.

"Yeah, we want Lord Bee back."Omoi was more calmer, he was just as menacing as Karui. Naruto felt her body go limp. Sasuke... Kidnapping... She felt guilty... She felt responsible for his actions...

"I'm sorry-

"Why the fuck are you apologizing!?" Karui sheathed back her katana and approached Naruto, grabbing her jacket fiercely.

"I-if it makes you feel better, punish-

Karui punched Naruto at point blank, the sound was deafening, Naruto stumbled back falling, "Hit me..."

"With pleasure," She kicked Naruto face causing her to slam it hard on the grounds, "And when I'm done, you'll tell me what you know about Sasuke!"

Naruto looked at the red bead, "Sorry, but I won't tell you anything about Sasuke..."

Karui was angered more by the statement, she approached Naruto on the ground and mounted her, "Som of a bitch!" She struck Naruto senseless. Over and over and over and over and over again, Sakura wanted to intervene but was halted by Naruto.

Sai watched with an emotionless expression as Sakura cried at the gruesome sight, the woman's hands were covered with blood. Naruto face was scarlet... She had a black eyes, a bloody a nose, and a bloody mouth. This was shinobi brutality.

That was more than enough, even Omoi saw this was getting out of hand, "Enough, Karui," Omoi held her arm, he had seen enough, she could've killed her yes, but would that bring Lord Bee back?

"Let go-

"I said, enough." He had a dominant part of him that would not back down, Karui made eyes contact with him, this was the part of him she respected, Karui got off Naruto. Blonde bitch didn't crack...

Naruto was loyal to Sasuke, even though he hadn't the slightest of emotion towards Naruto, it was one sided, Sasuke never loved anything, or anyone, all he wanted was revenge for Itachi. Oblivious Naruto didn't care. She loved him regardless, she was his best friend.

"Tch, well that was useless. Let's go." Karui and Omoi took off. Sakura ran to Naruto and helped her up.

"Let me heal you-

"It's alright, Sakura. I will be alright in no time." She was beaten to a pulp. This was cruel. Sai approached Naruto and put her on his back. Sakura was shocked seeing the emotionless guy act so caring, 'Danzo would kill me id she got hurt.' That wasn't his only reason why he aided Naruto. She was intriguing so to say.

"Let's take you back to your tent." He spoke, Naruto felt at ease hearing his voice. She liked how it soothed her... Sai...


"Hey you two, I delivered this missive, let's go back." Samui spoke, it took her exactly one hour to find the Hokage...

Danzo watched in horror as his plan was crumbling, he needed two more in his collection... But a hit had been placed on Sasuke, if Sasuke died... The power... "Kuso..."

"No. This is not what I wanted." If Sasuke was gone... If one of them was gone, his plan wouldn't work...

"Hokage-Sama, what is it." Shizune scorned the man, it felt toxic calling him Hokage...

"None of your business." He spoke nonchalantly, there was something evil about him. A malign aura enveloped the man... It was nauseating...

To be continued

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