Chapter 16: Sage Mode Activated -2-

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The malign look etched on Peins face was nothing short of baleful. Jiriaya was on-guard; Even the ponderous feeling of Peins chakra would not faze him.

"Why are you doing this?" Jiriaya questioned in a wretched tone, scowl on his face.

"What do you mean-

"Don't play dumb, you son of a bitch!" The indignant look on Jiriaya's face... It reminded Pein of his youth... How unfair it was... How weak he was... How they were taken without him having a say...

"Why are you killing people! Why are you doing this? I did not raised cold blooded murders..."

"Why I am killing does not concern you." The ponderous feeling of blood lust was heavy on Jiriaya's shoulders.

"You should have not set foot in the rain, Sensei. Now you shall perish." Upon saying those words... More showed up. Was this... Real? All that chakra... From just six figures.

In a flash, 'Foam? Did he summon something?' Jiriaya was in dismay, they are now six of them... 'Still, they can't beat me.' He deduced.

A lobster like creature attacked him from the foam, for it's overwhelming size it was quite agile. Jumping back, Jiriaya evaded it...

"Gamaken!" Jiriaya exclaimed; still in mid air, a large frog, seemingly larger than Gamabunta appeared. It was magenta-coloured with black markings on its face, arms, and legs with horn like protrusions on its head with a black kimono and a white sash and mesh armor underneath.

"I am ungraceful for being summoned, Gama-Senin.'' Gamaken spoke.

"Well, sorry. But I need someone to buy me some time. I have to go into sage mode." He spoke hurriedly.

"Ok, but just so you know, I am completely ungraceful."


"Frog kumite, sounds fun, right?" Fukasaku said.

"Wait, just so I'm clear... Are we gonna watch frogs fight... And bet on them like underground-konoha ninja fights?!" Excitement was evident on her face.

"Underground what now? I don't think that is even legal... Do you indulge in such odious endeavors...?" Fukasaku-san was curious... She looked so innocent but she knew about Underground-Konoha.

"Um... No-" she lied, she was horrible at lying.

A sigh escaped Fukasaku, "Frog Kumite is when you battle it out in sage mode... No betting what's so ever..."

"Oh... So when do we start, am I fighting Gamakichi?! I am gonna wipe the floor with all those guys!" She spoke referring to the other toads.

A sinister grin crept its way to Fukasaku-sans face, "Why fight weaklings. You are fighting me."

The silence was unbearable... Unspoken strength in such a compact body, could she beat him? "Bring it on, ouji-san!" She grinned at him.

"Okay, let's go." He led her to something that looked like an arena. But it was all sand... And jagged spiky rocks everywhere.

"Go into Sage Mode, now."

"Alright." She begun to meditate, focusing on her energies-

"Sensei! Sensei! Sensei!" Gamakichi exclaimed between pants, he drew closer to Fukasaku-San, sweaty and out of breath, "Hey, i-its Gama-Senin, he says it's important. Something about the leader-

"What!?" Fukasaku showed fear for a second there, "Ok, summon ma, fill her in on the details. Jiriaya-boy needs us."

"Hai!" Gamakichi took off.

'Why now... Kuso!'... "Naruto, Kunite has been put to a halt till further notice.

"What? Why so sudden." Naruto was intrigued to know the reason for his leaving so suddenly. It was almost like a new trend; leaving her during training.

"Uh... Sorry but I can't tell you that now... Maybe when I come back.


"Pa! Pa! Let's go!" Ma cut her short, she seemed more in distress than pa.


"I promise! One day, you will open up to me; you will share your pain with me! And... Until that day comes, I will love you forever no matter what will transpire!" Tears filled her eyes, "I will be by your side through any trials and tribulations!" Karin exclaimed.

Sasuke looked back at her, "Lets go. I need to search their hideouts." He said nonchalantly completely ignoring her confession.

A gasp escaped her... Her eyes were getting blurry... A hot fluid trickled down her light rose cheeks; she was crying. What was she expecting in the first place... Her gaze was averted down to hide her tears, "Y-you're right... We need to go."

Sasuke turned his gaze away and continued walking away along side Jūgo... Karin looked up to their leaving bodies... 'One... Two... Three? Where is Suigetsu? Did he abandon Sasuke? Where is-

''Let's go, Karin." Suigetsu's voice rang in her ears giving her a small fright... "Don't cry over him... He is not human... He does not have any emotions... He does not care about anyone or anything, so please, don't cry." He offered her a hand.

She looked at him. Who knew he could be this kind... She warily took his hand and stood up, "Forget you saw that." Her spunk was back, stronger than before.

"Don't worry, chief. I don't even know what you are talking about." He smiled, "Let's go."

They had checked three hideouts that day, the distance between them was great, they had to rest. Too bad Sasuke ran out of money. They had to camp today.


~The Leaf~

"Hokage-Sama, I'm sure Gama-Senin will be back in one piece." Shizune reassured. She was not sleeping lately... The dark circles around her eyes were enough evidence, she seemed even more uninterested in her paperwork too. Back then she could do two... But now it all piled up.

"Are you sure?" She asked, dejected; like a little girl awaiting her father's return on Christmas Eve.

"I'm certain! He is the great Gama-Senin of Mount Myōboku!" She mimicked his body gestures In the process.

"Yeah, you are right. He will come back." She spoke, somewhat solemnly.

"That's the spirit." She grinned at her.

"We made a bet, I always lose my bets; so he will come back." She took pride in her losing bets.

"And I wonder how her training is going. I'm sure she has made a lot of progress." Tsunade wondered, she hadn't gotten word from them in a long time.

"Yeah, I'm sure too. She will make everyone proud, that girl." Shizune spoke referring to Naruto.

"So, should I bring you something to eat?"

"Sure, Shizune. I would live that." Tsunade slightly smiled.

Debris flew everywhere, and out came Jiriaya with Ma and Pa on his shoulders, orange circles around his eyes; his nose was seemingly larger with warts on it, his teeth jagged sharp and with goatee. Finally. That took time, Gamaken suffered a lot of damage..."Release!" Jiriaya exclaimed undoing the Justus.

"Now, my student. I will show, the power of the Gama-Senin of mount Myōboku!" Determination was evident in his eyes.

To be continued

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