Chapter 34: My Teme

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"What... Someone kidnapped him!?" Karui, a petite dark skinned girl with amber eyes and spiky read hair, testily vociferated. Someone had the audacity to touch Lord Bee, "Who were they!?" They weren't going to flee from her clutches... No...

"Keep calm," Omoi urged Karui, he's a young dark skinned man with white hair, onyx eyes, and somewhat timid nature, "Let the Raikage finish." He was a leal, diligent man. But was too cautious for the Raikage's liking.

Karui wasn't for the idea of an over-cautious idiot giving her orders. But she kept quiet regardless and listened intently.

"Samui, you as the leader have to make sure the Hokage gets this missive." Ay was furious. The Leaf produced not one, but three rogues ninja.

"Hai, Raikage-Sama," Samui acknowledged the orders and wouldn't stop until seen out. She was a tall, fair-skinned woman with a curvaceous figure who mostly wore a stoic, aloof expression on her face. She has cerulean eyes and straight, shoulder-length blonde hair cut in an asymmetrical bob style.

"Leave at once!" He urged them to go to the Leaf. They nodded and made their way out the door. Their trip to the leaf would take about one to two days. There wasn't any time to pack supplies, Lord Bee needed saving. And that drove team Samui.


"Why, Kami-Sama?!" Ichiraku was reduced to shambles. They had downgraded to a stand, and to old man Teuchi's surprise, business was going great!
Teuchi had always been good to Naruto. He even gave her food on the house when times were tough.

She wiped her tears away, why Ichiraku? "The usual Ouji-San." She ordered, speaking between sobs. She could finally get some real food, but her do or it's place was destroyed. At least they weren't serving bugs...

"Here!" He exclaimed handing the bowl to her. Everything was the same with Ichiraku, only difference was it couldn't serve multiple people at once like it used to.

Naruto shot the man a bright grin clasping her hands together, "Itadakimasu!" She split her chop sticks in half, she was salivating, her mouth was going to be graced with its long lost pleasure, finally!

She closed her eyes the chop sticks drew closer to her lips, this was it- But before she could feel the amazing sensation, smoke enveloped her taking her back to Mt. Myoboku, she closed her mouth around the chop sticks, but to her dismay, all that filled her mouth was tasteless wood...

She felt her heart pang, why... "Why! Why Kami-Sama! What do you want from me!"

"Enough, Naruto-Chan." Ma spoke behind Naruto. The girl looked behind in hunger and anguish, "Ogama-Senin has a prophecy for you, girl."

Naruto looked at the woman with utter seriousness. The mans prophecies always came to pass... "Lead the way then." She would have her ramen soon.

Ma nodded and led the way. The sound of footsteps permeated the hall filled with toad statues, it was illuminated by candles, the atmosphere was peaceful and suspenseful, Naruto had a feeling the news she was going to receive was going to be petrifying... She just knew.

"Naruto, you are finally here." Fukasaku grinned at Naruto. An alliance with the toads was smart. It came with a lot of benefits.

"Ogama-Senin, Naruto Uzumaki is here, now tell her the prophecy you saw for her." Fukasaku informed the large toad.

"What? Bokuto Makimaki? Who's that? I asked for Uzu- The toad cut himself short as he black out, few seconds downed and snores escaped him.

Naruto felt uneasy, he was the great Toad Sage?

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