Chapter 51: Pure Of Heart

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Naruto woke up feeling tired, she was too excited to get any actual sleep, that and she kept on thinking about what Motoi had said to her after passing a hurtful comment about Killer Bee. He had gone through so much and yet he still held his head high and hadn't harbored any resentment towards his village.

They had began their training in earnest. It was really unorthodox, "First you will have to clear your heart of all evil yo! Cuz if not, your gonna die on the second trial, weeee!"

"Huh? Clear my heart of all evil?" She was lost. But knowing Killer Bee he most likely serious, and so should she, "Alright. How?"

"That there waterfall- go in there and focus on your negativity and you will see what I mean-"

She was a bit skeptical but still went through with it either way. Taking a seat at the base of its platform She closed her eyes, and within seconds she was in her mental landscape, "Huh? Why am I here?" She looked around, there was empty here... no Fox no nothing! "Hello, is there anybody here!" No response. It was like that for a couple of minutes until, "You're so loud, shut the fuck up!"

Naruto was caught of guard, turning her aver to the source of this voice she was simply awed. An exact replica of her... it wasn't her reflection, it had red eyes! Hers were blue. "Why so rude? And why do you look like me?" Naruto asked tilting her head in confusion.

"Please, you look like me!" She leaped towards Naruto, one swift motion and her hand collided into Naruto's arms as she blocked the punch.

The imposter was agile, a flurry of kicks and punches were sent to Naruto all intended to destroying her.
Slipping past the attacks with nearly an inch before contact Naruto grabbed her arm, 'There, now I got you!' She thought, spinning over it to deliver a vicious heel kick.

Slice~ the sound emanated has Naruto missed, mid-air Naruto received a haymaker to her stomach sending her flying.

Giant splashes emerged as Naruto made contract with water in the landscape... "Fuck, that hurt." She stood up, scowl on her face, "Shadow clone jutsu!" The three clones plus Naruto charged.
All displaying an onslaught of vicious attacks.
Like a snake in tight crevices the imposter slipped passed their attacks.

"How pathetic!" The imposter shot a light speed kick to one of the clones throats and it disappeared in smoke. The sound of wind spinning rapidly roared in their ears and the familiar blue orb shot from the smoke.

'What! It can do the rasengan too!?' Naruto thought in distress, as the imposter took out both the other clones, "Pathetic, really really pathetic." It stood there, steam emanating from the hand used to destroy the clones.

Charging Naruto, a heated taijutsu battle begun, each doing their best to out match the other. Repels emanated in the water from the strength of the attacks.

Grabbing Naruto's arm she shot heavy hooks to her ribs and face and swept her legs, "You're weak," still holding her she continued to punch Naruto.

'Shit, if this keeps going I might die!' She kicked the the imposter off panting, "Fuck... that hurt." She said between pants.

In a flash it charged Naruto, and before she knew it she was pinned to the ground yet again. She felt it... hatred... was... was this what killer Bee meant? She was so focused on fighting that she forgot what Killer Bee had said, she deep into the crimson eyes of her imposter... despite the sadistic smile on its face Naruto saw all the pain and hatred hidden in them.

"Any last words, bitch?" It seemed to be enjoy this. Squeezing Naruto's wrist's tighter it smiled wider. Naruto knew it wasn't, she was in pain infact. She was part of herself... She could feel it... she felt the hatred... A part she refused to acknowledge was there. But now, bearing its canines at her she believed.

"Sorry." Naruto said. The crimson red eyes staring at her from above looked surprised, "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner." Naruto broke free from her grip and went on her knees, face to face with her counter part.

"I'm sorry I didn't relive all that pain you felt~

"Shut up! Leave me alone!"

"No, I won't."

"Just shut you bitch."

"No I won't! I don't want you to suffer any longer so I won't shut up!"

Emotion had taken over the crimson eyes and tears where on the brink of escape, "You can't understand... you aren't won't be able to understand-

"I do understand... We are the same person. I know all the pain you've felt. All the anguish. And the hatred that has come from that. I know and feel everything-

"No you don't~

She was cut off by Naruto's arms around her body, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there for you. From now on just know you're not alone." The crimson eyes shed their tears.

"Leave me alone... leave me a... lone..." Her body was shuddering. She felt as though a burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

and gradually her eyes turned to a cerulean blue, "You're... you're saying the truth, right? You won't leave me right?"

"I will never, ever leave you alone." Naruto reassured. And slowly the said imposter disappeared and a low "thank you was heard as she was finally gone.

Naruto felt free at the moment in time. A burden stripped from her shoulders. Tears trickled down her cheeks and before she knew she was back to the real world.

"Weee! I guess you did it young Uzumaki!" Killer Bee was surprised she did almost as quickly as he did, "Now, your real training begins!"

To be continued

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