Chapter 24: Father Of All Shinobi

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Every place inhabitated by light, shadows tenant there. Where they're victors, there will be losers, where there is love, there is indignation, where there are angels, there will be demons. Hashirama, my only friend, the man I held with high esteem. Betrayed me.

"What?! Me Hokage?! But-

"Nonsense! You're the most competent... And besides, there are only two of you who are good enough for the job... The other is from a Clan with a blood curdling past... We need a hero, someone loved by everyone... Not a war obsessed animal."

"But Madara is more than competent to be Hokage, and he is not an animal..." Hashirama protested. It would not be fair to throw Madara under the bus like that. It was their dream, and they both invested the same amount of time and effort as the other. It simply wouldn't be fair.

"Brother, just take the task. It is vacuous to leave a task of such significance to an Uchiha." Tobirama chastised. He scorned the Uchiha. Because they killed his siblings, but Hashirama was aloof about the issue. Like he didn't care at all! 'An eye for an eye makes the world blind he says. Bullshit! I say it makes us even. It doesn't matter wether the world gets overlaid by vengeance and blood shed, an endless cycle of a killing, so long as I avenge my fallen comrades.'

"But that's like-

"No, even if we were to run a survey, the people would most likely want you to lead them, herd them. Protect the village Hashirama. They feel safe knowing you're in the village." The old man was cogent.

"But... The Academy, Madara had that idea! He is scary but he is a good person, he is the one-

"Enough, give the people what they want-

"Show yourself you son of a bitch Uchiha!" Tobirama cut the old man off, he was vulgar, and because of his keen sensory abilities, he could tell the Uchiha out from the rest. That or maybe he was just obsessed with killing them, be it a newborn baby, an old man, he didn't discriminate, "I know you are there!" He marched irked toward the window. Leafs flew everywhere as Tobirama opened the window to check; A malign scowl on his face.

The room was silent, "That just proves my point, have a good day, Hokage-Sama." He uttered, a grin on his face. A strong weapon for the council. Senju Hashirama. The cogent old geezer.


Later at night that very day, I told Madara what the elder said, he seemed nonchalant, but I for one could see what was going on in is mind... I could see beyond the emotionless facade. But he was my friend. He had to understand...

"I think you would make a great Hokage, Hashirama." It was rare to see him smile, but today was one of those hardly seen days, Hashirama was flabbergasted, his facial muscles were able to do that! "You smiled!" He was such a child, Madara was embarrassed to call him his best friend... Still, he wouldn't replace his idiot friend.

"Get your eyes fixed, you Senju don't posses the optical prowess of the Uchiha, so understand if you saw wrong-

"And we wouldn't want such a curse." Tobirama cut in, it was a habit, his voice laced with venom, "You need to sign some papers, brother. Let's go, it is no time to hang around minorities." He said, his arms folded with his signature scowl intact.

"Oh... Sorry Madara, I have to go now..." He waved and went with Tobirama. He was more like the younger brother... They walked in silence. Hashirama waving at the women and kids alike. And that's when Tobirama felt it, the killing intent of the shadow of the Hokage; Madara... His aver averted backwards, the Mangenkyou Sharingan staring at him, in the pits of his soul... Feeding of the fear in it... The fear of death... A hawk staring at its prey... 'Tch. Those accursed eyes... You bastard... I will pull them out of your ears, just try me!'

"Brother, what's wrong? Let's go." Hashirama was oblivious to what was happening. His brother just abruptly ceased walking...

"It's nothing. Let's go." They continued on their way.
Hashirama signed the papers. All that was left was to announce that be was Hokage.

And years passed. Madara's esteem turned into jealousy, and jealousy into indignation. Madara began to hate him. With each day, he hated him more and more... He wasn't supposed to be Hokage... And the day drew closer.

Hashirama and Madara... An evident rift grew between them, Madara became so busy... Fighting on missions, non-stop, blood, violence, death, all those drove him, a cord was struck  the second he heard his enemies grovel and scream in pain... And for this, the Uchiha gradually began to hate Madara, because of his not wanting peace with other lands, if we were to allow other lands to get close with us they would betray hs, basically he wanted the village to adopt his attitude. He wasn't in support of this, so his clan desired to be free from his baleful ideologies, and Hashirama was in their support... Brainwashing them... And if they had listened, the first and second great ninja wars would have been evaded. The leaf was the strongest village, they were feared... All because of him... Uchiha Madara. They feared him more than the Hokage, in his enemies eyes, he was the real Hokage... The true protector of the Leaf, that is why the other villages wouldn't attack them. Because of him. MADARA UCHIHA!

And with fear one can control anything... The moon was red, so as Hashirama's hands... Scarlet like his best friends eyes, from all places for the Nine-tails to appear, why the leaf? And why was Madara the one attacking their paradise... And why did I have to be Hokage? If I wasn't Hokage, none of this would have happened... Why... Did I have to be the one to kill him... My best friend... Oh, yeah... It's because I Senju Hashirama am the councils unbreakable weapon...


"Though my heart was pierced. I managed to survive. They hated the Uchiha because they feared something they didn't understand, and what they didn't understand is strength... Strength to bring a Nation to it's knees... And now you know what type of place the leaf is... You understand Itachi... to protect his clan  and you... he killed his Tou-San... Kaa-chan... His brethren! So tell me, are you willing to help me crush it?" He offered his hand.

Sasuke looked up at him, and for a mili second, just for a mili second. He saw his brother. He gradually took Madara's hand.

"Good boy. Now, let's let you heal, yeah? I have something to tend to." He teleported.

Sasuke watched him permeate through the portal in awe. Just who exactly was Madara Uchiha?


Steam emanated from the coffin like beds. The spiky head of orange rose, the bodies bones cracking grotesquely, "So it's time?" Conan asked wearily, she had a bad feeling about this... He wasn't so rush about things. Especially about the Nine tails.

"Yes. Get ready, we have to go." He slowly got out of the bed, so did he others. Finally... The weeping land would experience peace... Finally, with this capture...

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