Chapter 26: Return

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A centipede... It was running amok in the village, not caring whom it squelched with it's millions of feet. Shinobi leaped from roof to roof. Most having a look of angst, some timidity... And some disorientation.

"Oi Ino, get up. We have to protect Hokage-Sama." Apparently Shikamaru and Choji were her crutches. Sakura was conscious... She felt useless. Not wanting her pride to be bruised even more she gently shoved them away, "I can walk alone now."

Shikamaru nodded, his avar directed to the clanking of metal in the 
attenuate cover of dust, there was violent battle beyond the dust, "Everyone, duck!" An onyx ball passed them quickly, it hit what remained of a home and exploded leaving behind a crater.

The dust cleared, many Shinobi were headed to the hokages office, all ready to die protecting their village. The shinobi seemed to have the same thought, protect the Hokage.

"Stand up kids! Partial expansion jutsu!" Choji's father punched a dog with crazy purple eyes, the weird creatures just kept showing up, seemingly being controlled by the orange haired woman... And puzzling she had the same motif in hers as the summonings.

"Do you know where Naruto Uzumaki is?" She leaped from the top of a building that was still intact, weaving signs ready to summon something else.

"What a drag... How many summoning do you have." A deep voice spoke, Shikaku's shadow paralysis was being used like extensions of his limbs, squeezing her pale body.

"Do you know where Naruto is?" She asked not heeding the constriction of the shadow. Shikaku simply tightened his grip on her.

"Who sent you." He didn't ask, he demanded.

"I repeat, do you know where-

"What a drag. Who the hell sent you...?" It got tighter, and tighter until-

"I guess I'll just have to invade her head." Inoichi spoke,

A bullet was shoot towards them, the sound of the shoot apprehending Shikaku's heed, an explosion emerged, The source of the bullet was obscure. All they knew was it was dodge or die. Everyone braced themselves, the orange haired woman jumped out of the explosions radius... It was warm, warmer than before... Why weren't they burning? A buzz in their ears, they continued waiting for their skin to burn... Nothing was happening...? Opening their eyes they saw insects enveloping them like a dome.  Protecting them.

"Shino!" Choji exclaimed his name name, he was so resourceful-

"No, I'm Aburame." He spoke stoically, he too had those bizarre shades, the younger inoshikacho trio thought it was a fashion statement done by a pubescent teen but his father wore them too...

"Thank you, Aburame." Inoichi spoke in relief.

"No problem. I think we should go to Hokage-Sama's aid." Aburame had strong sense of duty that his peers admired. Even Shukaku did.

"You're right, is everyone alright?" Shikamaru uttered standing up, and started waking; a limp in his step.


"What. Do you have a problem with me trying to protect my Hokage?" Shikamaru looked irked.

"Your leg is broken... Sit down. Ino, help him." The rest headed off leaving Shikamaru and Ino alone. Ino didn't waste time and began healing his leg.


Kakashi along with a few other Shinobi created a battle front to protect the Hokage. And currently he was in a heated battle, the orange haired man was ruthless and swatted everyone like flies. His body was dodging attacks not to win, but to survive.

His Mangekyou Sharingan was active, it was draining in prolonged fights, but this was a matter of life and death.

"Almighty Push," Pein pushed Kakashi away, his shoulder ran through a metal pipe that was sticking out of the debris, "Now, vulgar Shinobi, you must die..." Pein picked up a nearby nail. Aimed it at Kakashi 'troublesome eye' as he called it and shoot it.

His head rocked back as a result, he was facing the sky, his left shoulder felt numb. He felt weak...

"He was a pesky one-

"Kakashi Sensei!" Choji exclaimed, he and the others were just in time to spectate upon what had transpired. The swift unambiguous death.

"Partial expansion jurtsu," Chojis hand expanded, with all his power and exasperation he punched-

"Almighty push." Choji and rest were blown away, they were bewildered, a strange force pushed them...

Shikaku activated his shadow technique, the shadows lobbed like missiles. He was cautious, he was ignorant on what techniques his foe possessed, so he kept his distance. He couldn't afford acting Choji over Kakashi's passing.

'Stay calm.'


"Stay calm." Fukasaku-San ordered Naruto.

"Why should I?! I'm supposed to be out there fighting!" Her face was red from all the exclaiming.

"Yes, but you are their target. If they have you-

"I don't care! I have to go!"

-Later that day-

"Fukasaku-San, Fukasaku-San!, the leaf, it's under attack! They're requesting backup, since there isn't anyone contracted with the toads in the village at the moment, we can't be summoned!"

"What, Already?" He was puzzled. So soon after they battled with Jiriaya they recovered their Chakra this quick?

"What do you mean? Isn't Ero-Senin in the village?" Naruto was obscured from the truth.

"What, Gama-Senin is-

"On an S class mission in the land of lighting!" Fukasaku interjected. These Young Toads couldn't deal with pressure. That was close. He gave the yellow and green toad a glare...


"Ok, you have mastered Sage Mode, but I don't think you're ready."

"I am, with shadow clones," she weaved the hand sign and came two copies, immediately they started mixing the energies. Once one dispelled, orange circles appeared on Naruto's eyes,"They can collect nature energy for me while I fight!"

Fukasaku was impressed. A sigh escaped him, after so long, she was finally going to see the leaf, "Make as many clones as possible and have them absorb nature energy. We're going to the battle front." He was determined, it was time to avenge Jiriaya-Boy.

"That's the thing, my limit is is two shadow clones," She mastered Sage-Mode in her own way. But it was somewhat inefficient, nevertheless it was better than her predecessors.

"Alright, so this is what we're going to do." Fukasaku already thought of a plan. How admirable.


"That's enough let's go." Ino helped Shikamaru up. How things switched. They walked for a short time and saw what had happened to the leaf. Their view was bird high, and this... this was a wasteland...


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