Chapter 31: Hate Bubbles Up Like Soda Pop

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A clank sound was heard in Naruto's head. She felt hot, something was breathing on her, she looked up to see her tenant, "kill, kill him senseless."
His malign aura was suffocating.

Naruto's skin was burning off, her blood rising and evaporating, her eyes lost the cerulean blue and became hollow white circles, her hair got shorter and three tails spurt from her tail bone, her skin now crimson chakra, her mouth had jagged teeth, she wasn't Naruto, the nine tails was fighting for dominance.

"Yes, resent me Uzumaki!" Pein exclaimed, he was going to capture this one. She was his!

The beast released an obnoxious, reverberating roar, the debris around it shook, its mouth was agape, cerulean chakra mixed parching crimson chakra, it combined and formed a purple orb. It gingerly swallowed it and in an instant released an explosion, the remains of the houses were blow away, corpses blown away. Mass destruction in a compact size.

"Almighty push!" Pein exclaimed repealing the jutsu,  the leaf was equivalent to a wasteland. He charged at baffling speeds an enormous haymaker sent the beast flying away.

Using its claw as it halted its movements. It charged slashing Pein vehemently, the speed was unreal, the merit of tails; it grabbed Pein wanting to wanting to use that energy bomb, but the debris worked in Peins favor, he struck its head repeatedly with the bits of stone, the debris crumbled as it made contact creating a dust cloud.

It let go and punched his gut sending him flying hundred meters back, it charged quickly at Pein, not taking its eyes off him, the ground erupted, pipes clanked as they were being destroyed by Peins jutsu, large boulders were shoot at the beast, it was agile, slipping past the gaps, releasing barrages of energy bombs to destroy the debris.

He ran around evading the attacks, "Yes that's it Fox!" It reached the the owner of the said jutsu, Pein created an onyx rod, whacking the creature and shattering the rod, he grabbed its head throwing it like a rag doll, and sent a barrage of onyx rods at it, they stabbed it in mid-air landing it down with a loud thud. It seemed subdued.

"Now, let me take what-

In a heartbeat, one more tail emerged, the chakra around it became denser and scorching with contact, it broke the rods and its injuries regenerated in an instant, steam emanated from the once gapping holes and sealed up.

The beast shoot a beast bomb in an instant, it hit the mans face disorienting his balance, it slashed his face sending him flying.

He was airborne, the beast charged knowing he wasn't going to land in the village. It gave a restless chase, wanting nothing but to kill. Pein watched thinking of a plan, it wasn't smart to hold back, so, "Planetary devastation!" He clasped his hands together, rocks stuck to Naruto like a magnet, thousands of rocks came, enveloping the beast, it got larger and stayed hundreds of meters in the air, Pein watched the giant boulder, he fell to his knees. He was running out of chakra.


"Nagato, are you sure you can go on?" Konan was concerned, the nine tails was unreal, he could die any second if he over exerted himself, "Let's retreat-

"No, I'm doing this for you and Yahiko! So shut up-

"But you never made one that huge!" She spoke referring to the boulder that subdued Naruto.

"Enough, I will take care of this. Just watched-


Yamato ran for what felt like ages, Naruto was already at six tails! The burning seal on his hand was proof of that. The leaf was stationed far from where he had his mission. Why now from all times. He was the only one who could control it, his wood style was the only thing that could save the leaf. He was oblivious on the current state of the village.

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