Robbed, Nowhere to live, or Maybe...?

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[Ashley's POV]
I walk over to my apartment and step in. "This is it!" I say, my back facing the living room. Leo's eyes widen. "What, you don't like it?" I ask, a little bit insulted.

"Uhhh.... It's got nothing in it." He answers. "What? Yes it d-" I stop after turning around. "I've been robbed!" I run around frantically inside.

[Leo's POV]
This has got to suck for Ashley. She searches around for anything left. "My clothes, my food, everything is gone!" She tells me.

I quickly come up with a solution, "You can stay with me and my brothers. I mean, if you want." I ask, blushing a little. "Sure. Thank you so much Leo!" She hugs me. Now my face is bright red.

[Ashley's POV]
I hug Leo and I can feel his cheeks getting warm. I release and then he smiles. "No problem." it was awkward silence as I walk through my apartment. I grab a suit case and pack some things in there.

"Aw poop on them! They stole my freaking phone!" I yell. I look in a drawer and see my wallet. I search through it quickly and know my $100 are still in there. I breath a sigh of relief.

I pack a few more things, grab my pillow and dart out the door with Leo by my side. We head back to the lair.

~When We Get To The Lair~

[Donnie's POV]
Man, I'm hungry! I walk outside my room and look to see: Mikey, playing video games. Raph, hitting the punching bag. Leo, talking to that new girl. WAIT, Didn't she leave?

I look around at them and see she has a suit case. "Hey, Don. Ashley's going to be staying with us. Her apartment got robbed." I frown just a tad.

"Oh, okay." Then I see Mikey run over and say, "YES! A GIRL IS GONNA STAY WITH US!" Then he hugs her, tightly.

I don't know why but it made me a little bit jealous. What's wrong with me? Mikey gets separated from Ashley.

Raph walks over to where we stand. "Why does the world hate me?" He says then gives her a death glare and walks away.

"Is he always like that?" Ashley asks.

"Unfortunately." Leo replies and I shrug.

[Ashley's POV]
Just then the giant rat comes in. Uhh... Splinter? I don't know. Anyway he comes in and says in a wise voice. "Ah, I see Mrs. Ashley is back. Any certain reason?" I was about to say something when-

"Ashley got robbed!" Mikey shouts. "Thanks," I start and roll my eyes. "Yeah, but Leo said I could stay here, with you guys!" I put on a half smile.

Master Splinter then says, "Are you able to keep our secret?" Then I reply, "Course I can!"

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