Andrea and...... LEO?!?!?

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[Andrea's POV]
The turtles are in my house to pick up Ashley. I can't help but feel weird around the one in the blue mask. He's just so kind and leader-like. Isn't his name.... Leo? Yeah, that's it.

"Bye Ashley!" I yell as she is about to leave. "Hold on I left my phone-" she says. "I got it." Leo says, gesturing her to go. He walks in. "A-Ashley said she left her phone. It looks like a turtle shell..." He trails off.

He's so cute! Wait what?! His face is deep red. "I'll go get it." I say. I walk into my bedroom and retrieve it. "Here you go." I tell him. Our hands touch as I give him the phone.

Now we are both blushing. "Y-yeah.... so..." he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "I should go now..." Then he leaves. Dreamy.

Why do I like a turtle? What's wrong with me? I think I like Leo.

[Leo's POV]
Well, that was awkward. She is kinda cute though. Wait... do I like Andrea? Nah... I go off into thought. What am I thinking about? Andrea.

Oh Lord please help me. I like Ashley's best friend.

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