Authors Note

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YAAASSSS!!!! I'VE OFFICIALLY MADE 50 PARTS!! 51 COUNTING THIS ONE!!!!! I'm so exited and proud of myself.

But honestly, I owe it all to you guys. You guys are the reason I keep publishing. It's so fun to check my phone everyday and see if I have views or comments or votes!

Sorry if this seems kind of creepy, but I wuv chu guys!

Anyway, thanks for reading my book. Before wattpad, my stories were written on notebooks and the only reader I had were my few friends. Including, OoAsunaOo and yazurepalafox and a few other people that aren't on wattpad.

Oh yeah and speaking of OoAsunaOo , She has an amazing book called Blue Heart! You guys TOTALLY need to check that out!

Well, shanks for reading chu guys, Josie/DerpyAwesome out!


(Yeah that's right. I'm a bro. PewDiePie forever!!!)

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