Love Ride Gone Wrong

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[Ashley's POV]
I wake up on a beautiful Friday morning. We don't have any school today. It's a teachers meeting thingy. (For real tho. It's Friday and no school!)

No one is in the living room when I walk in there. Ahh, training today. I walk in, rubbing my eyes. I see Leo and Raph about to start sparing.

"Go Leo!" Mikey laughs. I giggle, but Raph gets mad and so I stop.

~After Training~

Everyone comes out of the dojo, sweaty as shell. "Hey, Ashley?" Donnie pitches in. "Yeah?" I ask. "Do you want a hug?" He asks. I widen my eyes and he chases me down the sewers. "Nooo! Gross!" I whine.

"Your all smelly and sweaty!" I plead. "That's the point." He answers. Then he chases me back into the lair. "Go shower, then I'll hug you." I smile.

~About Ten O'clock PM~

"Hey want to do something fun?" I say, putting up my homework from Thursday. "Sure, what is it?" He asks. "A love ride. The fun park is closed so we can sneak in and ride it. It'll be fun. Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee!!!!" I say.

He rolls his eyes. "I love my little rebel but.... it's not safe. We could be caught." He answers. What a party pooper! "Come on. If you love me, then you have too." He smiles.

"Then I guess I have too. I'm not gonna say I don't love you..." He answers, sweetly. I smile and kiss his nose. "Yay!" I walk out of the room and go to mine.

I quickly get ready and run back into his room. "Ready?" I ask. "Yeah just let me get my Bo Staff and we can go." "No. No weapon. This is supposed to be a romantic date." I answer.

"Fine." He sighs. He sets it down and we leave the sewers.

~When We Get There~

We walk around in the dark fun park. "Oooh, it's so spooky here!" I poke his arm. He giggles and I stop him from walking, with an arm straight across his chest.

"Oof." He stops. "Here we are!" I gesture to a large, dark tunnel like building. He walks over to the tunnel, looking inside. "Hold on, we need lights." I say.

I walk over to this giant machine looking thing and push a few buttons and a few boats float off slowly. We hop into one and take our seats.

He kisses my nose. This is so sweet! He puts his arm around me and I lean against him.

After a few minutes the lights go out. "Shell!" I mutter under my breath. Then I get hit in the back of the head. "Ouch!" I yell. I look around but it's to dark to see anything.

"Donnie?" I yell. "Ashley? Are you alright?" He answers. We are now out of the boat and walking around to find each other. Then I feel a sharp pain in my side.

"Shell! D-Donnie!" I say, clutching my side and falling to the floor. "Where are you?" He asks. "I DUNNO ITS TO FRIGGIN DARK IN HERE!" I snap at him.

Just then I hear a few bangs and crashes. The lights come back on. I look over to my left to see Donnie rushing over to my side. "Sweet heart! Are you alright?" He helps me up.

"YES, BECAUSE APPARENTLY NOW, BLEEDING TO DEATH IS ME BEING FINE!" I yell. He carries me over to a wall and sets me down.

I blink a few times then see him punching some foot bots. "Well, SOMEONE told me not to bring my Bo Staff." He says.

Then I start to black out. "D-D-Donnie.... I....." Then all I see are dark colors.

The last thing I feel is a slash on my face. Ouch, but I can't move!

~The Next Day~

I wake up in Donnie's lab. Haven't I done this enough times? I lean up and prop my self up with my elbows. "Donnie." I smile.

He turns to me. "Ashley, sorry if that ruined our date. I loved it." He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I loved it too." I whisper.

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