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[Ashley's POV]
Donnie and a I have been dating for almost two years now. We are both eighteen. Even though I am an adult I still feel young. Anyway, I love Donnie and I think I am ready for a proposal.

Even though it's a little early, in not saying it has to be this year. It can be next year. Or sometime after that.

I walk into Donnie's room. "Hey babe." I say, sitting on the edge of his bed. "You're up early, aren't you?" He says. "Yeah... I'm just not really tired today." I answer.

"Oh, uh... Yeah." He nods his head. Then he sticks his nose back in his book. He has been reading this book for a few days. It's getting a little bit on my nerves. He hardly ever says anything to me anymore.

I sigh. "Hey, uh... don't mind me... I'm just gonna... stick my hand in this mutagen." I say. "Oh yeah... sounds fun." He answers. I roll my eyes. I take the book out of his hands.

He reaches for it but fails. "Nuh-uh. You don't get this back until you actually talk to me. We're going out to dinner tonight." I say. Dinner will keep his mind off of that book.

"Okay, okay!" He admits. Then I hand him his book and walk out of the room.

[Donnie's POV]
Oh my gosh. We have dinner tonight? Perfect time to ask her. To ask her to marry me. I love her so much, I hope she says yes. We go out to dinner pretty frequently.

Tonight I'm going to take her out to the rooftops. She will love it. Now for a ring. I immediately start constructing a silver ring. It'll be perfect.

~Later That Day~

[Ashley's POV]
"C'mon Donnie!" I say, pulling at his wrist. "Okay, calm down." He answers. He walks out of the lair, holding my hand. He's too sweet. We jump, rooftop to rooftop. Then we stop at one.

"Beautiful view." I say, trying to absorb the sight. "Not as beautiful as you." He says. We both sit down. My face is sooo red. "Hey, Ashely?" He says. I wasn't paying attention so I quickly look over to my right.

He is on one knee. I stand up and look down at him. And I thought I was red a few minutes ago? I tear up. "A-Ashley. I would... uh... would you be.... will you marry m-me?" He stutters.

Now I'm full blown crying, joyfully. I shake my head many times. "Yes!" I say, wrapping him in a hug. He smiles. I kiss him a few times then release the hug. "Yes." I mutter to my self.


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