Picture Day!

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[Ashley's POV]
Yes! Today I'm going to gather everyone and take pictures for memories. I have been married to my sweet Donatello for two years. I should've taken more pictures when we were dating.

I look over to my right and see Donnie laying there. "Yo Don, Wake up!" I laugh, poking his arm. "Wha-What is it?" He asks tiredly. "It's picture day! Get up!" I smile.

I get out of the bed and pull at his wrist. He finally gets out and we separate to wake everyone else up. I knock on Mikey's door and he opens it, rubbing his eyes.

"Sup dudette." He smiles. "MIKEY ITS PICTURE DAY!!" I yell and drag him into the living room. He yelps and falls to the floor. Then I knock on Raph's bedroom door. No answer.

"Raph. It's picture day." I say. Still no answer. I open his door. His face is buried in his pillow. "Get up!" I yell, ripping the sheets off him. "Ugh.." He groans. Then I tackle him and tie him up with a rope that was sitting on his floor.

I drag him into the living room as he yells at me. I can't hear him through the duct tape that covers his mouth. At the same time as I drop Raph on the floor, Donnie walks in with Leo and Master Splinter.

Master Splinter's eyes immediately travel to Raph on the floor. "Ashley, why is Raphael on the floor, tied up with tape over his mouth?" He asks. I look up at him. "He wasn't responding." I answer, like an angel.

He giggles. "Good job." Then I laugh a little. I walk over into my room and grab a camera. Donnie unties Raph and takes off the tape. He is immediately furious and charges at me. I backflip and he misses.

"C'mon! Just a few pictures Raph! Then you can do what you want." I plead. He gives up and nods. They all stand in front of the camera and smile. Then I set it on a timer and jump in.
We take single pics and groups.

~When We Are Done~

I look through all of the pictures and smile. My favorite, of course, is one of me and Donnie. Awesome picture day!

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