Christmas Day

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[Mikey's POV]
I yawn as I get up. Yesterday I had the best meal ever! Right after I ate I fell asleep. I smile and walk out of my bedroom. When I walk in I see Leo, chillin and watching Space Heroes. Raph, playing pinball, and yelling at the machine. But Donnie is probably in his lab with Ashley.

"Raph, the machine can't hear you." I say. "Shut up Mikey! Or I'll-" he gets cut off. "Raph...." Leo interrupts. Leo is always there to help me out. BEST BIG BRO OF THE YEAR!

Now, what did Ashley say today was? Christmas? Oh yeah! I wonder if we get more food today.

[Ashley's POV]
I walk out of Donnie's room and wave goodbye. "I'm going to go to the store for presents!" I tell him. I walk out of his room. I grab my purse once again and leave the lair.

~At The Store~

"Leo. Hmm.... Something Space Heroes. Ohh! Action figures." I grab a few then go to find something for Raph. "How about.... hmmm... OHHHH." I squint my eyes. "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" I laugh to myself.

A lady looks at me weirdly. "Last minute Christmas shopping?" She asks. I nod and smile, trying to seem less creepy. "For my two brothers. My boyfriend, and my little sister." I say. My little sister!!! HAHAHA TAKE THAT RAPH!

She smiles. "Ahh. I see." She laughs. "I'm Melody! Oh wait, that's another story." She says. "Did you just break the fourth wall?" I ask. I shake my head and walk off.

"Now, Donnie." I say, walking onto another isle. "Donnie. Wait, two bothers, a boyfriend. A little sister? Hmm...." She wonders. Anyway... Donnie... he likes technology. Kraang! I'll break into the Kraang thingy and get him something from there! It'll just be late!

Now Mikey. Mikey.... Mikey.... Mikey. VIDEO GAMES! I run to the video game section and grab the newest one I see. "Call of Duty, Advanced Warfare. He will love this!" I say.

Now for the wrapping paper. I walk into an isle and grab some, ninja looking paper. PERFECT!

I check out and my wallet is left dry. It was $90.00!

~Back At The Lair~

I quickly wrap all the presents in my room then walk out and call everyone in the living room. We all sit on the floor except for Master Splinter, who sits on the couch.

"Okay everyone grab the present with your name on it." I say. "Ashley, I don't have one." Donnie says. "Yours comes later." I smile, and then kiss his nose. He smiles and gets ready to watch the other boys open theirs.

"Woah, Space Heroes!" Leo cheers. He pulls them out. "Thanks Ashley." he says. "Your Welcome!" I say. "I love this dudette!" Mikey smiles. "A... Justin Bieber CD." Raph says. I smirk. "I KNEW YOU WOULD LOVE IT!" I say, sarcastically.

He sighs. "I'm just kidding Raph! Your reaction though!" I laugh. I hand him another present. He opens it. "A new sais! Thanks Ashley!" He smiles. "Your welcome guys." I say.

Raph is actually not mad, for once in his life. This is an awesome day! "You'll love yours too, Donnie." I say, kissing him once more.

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