One Month Anniversary

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[Ashley's POV]
"Heeey Dooooonie!" I say, cutely. "Hello!" He smiles, showing his teeth, well except for the one he's missing. But that makes him even cuter!

"Guess what day it is!" I tell him. "Thursday, the nineteenth of February?" He asks. I roll my eyes and smile. "No...."

"Your birthday?" He asks, worriedly. "Ugh, Donnie! It's our one month anniversary!" I whine. "Oh, sorry sweets!" He gives me a I-still-don't-care-but-I-love-you face.

He kisses me briefly and I smile. "Your lucky your adorable!" I answer rolling my eyes. He giggles and goes back to his project. "Done!" He yells getting up.

I step backwards. It looks pretty fertile. "With what exactly?" I ask looking at it worriedly. "An extra attachment to my Bo Staff." He says, proud of his new accomplishment.

He walks over to his large stick. He does a few scientific things and comes back. "Grab your katana and meet me in the dojo." He smirks and walks out.

I roll my eyes and get my katana and follow after him.

~When I Walk In~

I open the door and look inside. There stands Donnie and the other boys watching me walk in. Master Splinter is also in the room. I walk up to Donnie, who is on the mat, and get in position.

"I wanted to try out my weapon's attachment so why don't you go easy on her?" He asks, with dare in his voice. "No promises." I answer with a wink.

We begin.

~After The Fight~

(Aww CRAP! It erased a whole butt load of my story! Grrrrr! I'll try to remake it!)

"Had enough yet?" I laugh. "How did you defeat m-me?" He asks breathless. I roll my eyes. "I used to take gymnastics." I giggle. He helps himself off the floor and walks over and sits next to the other boys.

"Impressive moves, Miss. Matthews." Master Splinter says. I nod. Then the boys answer:



"I could do better..." The last one says. Then I walk over to him. "Oh, really?" I ask, challengingly. "Yeah, easy." He says, moving his hand in a strait line.

I nod. "Then get up here and fight me, you big turd." I smirk. "I will. Your not gonna be a challenge. At all." He says, popping his neck.

I roll my eyes. Then I flip him over and pin him to the floor. "Wanna rephrase that?" I ask. "N-no. I just wasn't ready." He says. I laugh a little then hit a pressure point.

His face goes blank. "Ashley, I think Raphael has had enough." Splinter says. I look at him, he winces, and I release my hold.

He gets all grumpy and walks out.

~Later That Day~

"Did you have fun today? He asks, nicely. "Yeah. But don't give me any more respect. I'm still learning." I smile back. "Best anniversary ever?" He questions me calming. "The bestest." I giggle.

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