Learning To Read

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[Donnie's POV]
I see Ashley sleeping then I look at the time. She should be up by now. Hmm... I'll just go wake her up. Even though she seems so peaceful.

I walk over to her, while she sleeps. "Sweetheart. Wake up." I giggle, poking her. She instantly wakes up and hugs me. "O-okay. Don't get ahead of yourself there." I laugh.

She giggles too. Her ears twitch. (You forgot she was a cat, didn't you?) she gets out of bed and kisses me. "Mornin'!" She yawns. I giggle. "Did you sleep well?" I ask. She nods.

"I'ma go make some waffles." She tells me. (Sorry if she's starting to sound like an Okie.) "Okay." He replies. I look over into the baby crib to see Lucas waking up and yawning.

"Morning Lucas." I smile. I walk over to him. "Daddy!" He yells, happily. He falls onto his back and starts to cry. "No, no. Big boys don't cry." I tell him. I lift him off his shell and pick him up.

"Daddy, I wanna wead." He tells me. Yes! Finally! I've been wanting to teach him how to read for forever! I grab a little kid book and I was about to start helping him read when...

"Once upon a time. There were thwee widdle pigs." He says, out loud. Then Ashley comes in the room. "Good job, bud!" She says. Then she leans over. "You taught him how to read already?" She asks me. My eyes widen.

"No, I thought you did." I tell her. Then we look at each other and start to laugh. Our son is so smart!

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