Well This Is Awkward...

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[Ashley's POV]
I stuff another slice of pizza in my face then Andrea does the same. We are at the lair, eating with all the boys. Andrea laughs and looks over to Leo. "You have something on your face." He tells her.

He wipes it off then leans closer to her. YES, ITS HAPPENING!!! They lean in until their lips touch. AWWWW!!!! They kiss for quite a while. I look over to Donnie. I decide to kiss him.

It's a double kiss! Donnie and I kiss, more passionately then usual. Andrea and Leo are still at it too. Then they release. I release too. By the end we are all blushing.

I'm just glad Andrea finally found someone she likes. And he likes her too. Go girl!

~A Few Hours Later~

As I walk her back up to the surface she whispers, "That was awesome!" I nod and giggle. "Now you feel meh?" We laugh all the way there.

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