Meet Your Family!

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[Raph's POV]
We all sit in the living room watching a bunch of anime's. We just finished a show called, Attack on Titans and now we are starting to watch another called, Sword Art Online. (Btw I haven't seen Attack on Titan yet but I love Sword Art Online!)

The episode ends just as Ashley walks in the room. "Sup dudette!" Mikey greets. I sit there and stare her. She's holding that baby. He's kinda cute, but I'm not going to tell them.

"Hey, I need you guys to watch the baby. I'm going to go shopping for him and Donnie's building something for him. So... yeah. Here you go." She says, handing the baby to Leo. "Hey! I wanna hold him!" Mikey complains.

Then he sets him on the floor. "Umm... entertain him, Mikey." Leo shrugs. He gets on the floor and starts to poke him. Then he cries. "Aw, look what you did Mikey." I criticize him. "Lucas, stop crying and be a big boy for me." Ashley says, walking back in.

She hands Leo a list of things to do. "And his toys are in my room but don't bother Donnie because he almost ripped my head off just a second ago." She giggles. He nods and I just lift an eyebrow.

Why so much work for a baby? "And by the way, Andrea is coming over here in a hour or so." She tells us. Then Ashley finally leaves and the baby is left to us. "Okay Mikey, for another fifteen minutes you can play with the baby then someone has to feed him." Leo pitches in. I sigh. I am not, and I mean not, helping with that baby.

"Now I have to go meditate so Raph, your in charge." He tells me. "Aww, I wanna be in charge!" Mikey whines. I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I sigh.

~Fifteen Minutes Later~

"Okay, baby, you have to go be fed." I pick him up and put him in a high chair. "This is going to suck." I mutter. I grab some baby food and stick it in his mouth. Then he spits it out at me. "Aww, frickin." I say. I wipe it off my face and give him a death glare.

He just giggles and claps his hands. I roll my eyes. "What about this flavor?" I ask. I shove it in his mouth and he surprisingly doesn't spit it out. "Okay, peaches it is then." I shrug and put more in his mouth.

~An Hour Or So Later~

"Aw, Lucas! You rock little dude!" Mikey fist bumps him. He fist bumps him back. He's awesome! I'm starting to like him more. My little nephew turtle.

[Andrea's POV]
I walk down the sewers going to Ashley's house. She already has a baby and I don't even know if you could call my thing with Leo dating. Anyway, I have to help baby sit her baby.

What was his name again. Lucas? Yeah, that's it. I walk into the lair and see the baby on the couch making noises with his mouth, while he makes his toys 'fly'. He is so cute! But she didn't tell me he was a turtle. Eh, who cares? He is adorable!

I walk in and say hi to everyone. I sit next to Leo and things get awkward. "Are we... dating?" I ask, curious. What a stupid question. "Sure, yeah. I thought so." He answers. I nod. YAASSSSSS!!!!!!!

I walk over to the baby and start playing with him. Leo crouches next to me. "Your so good with children." I smile and shrug. He kisses my cheek. I giggle and go back to playing with the baby. Leo watches for a while then joins in.

~An Hour Later~

[Ashley's POV]
"I'm back!" I yell, running into the living room of the lair. I see Lucas, curled up in a ball, on the couch. Andrea and Leo it next to each other. I run over to Lucas and kiss his cute little green nose. "Hey baby! Did you have a good time?" I ask.

He just makes babbling noises. I giggle and set him back down on the couch. Aww, my little Lucas.

It All Started With Turtles (TMNT FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now