Becoming A Ninja

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[Ashley's POV]
Master Splinter calls everyone into the dojo and we all trail in. We sit in front of him. "Miss. Williams, please step forward." He tells me.

Then I get off of the floor and stand up in front of him. "Ashley Williams, you have done well in your training and I believe you should get your own weapon." He smiles with wiseness.

My eyes widen and I smile at him, showing my teeth. Then he reaches behind his back to grab a sword? Wait, no, it's a katana!

"One katana." He smiles and hands it over, in a case. "Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Master Splinter!" I yell happily.

"Aww sweet!" I say, while taking it out of its case and viewing it. The boys nod and smile along.


~Two Weeks Later~

"Ashley, you have been training hard, and I believe you are ready for your first mission." Splinter says. "YES!
YES! YAAAAASSSSSS!" (Crazy scientist voice.)

"Congrats." Leo smiles walking past me. "Yeh. Congrats to meh." I say nodding then sit down to soak it in.

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