Christmas Eve

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[Ashley's POV]
I wake up at 7:00 am. I get out of bed and walk out of my bedroom. "Merry Christmas Eve!" I yell out to everyone. "Christmas Eve?" Raph asks. I narrow my eyes. "You guys don't know what Christmas is?" I ask, unbelieved.

Leo shrugs. "Nope. Never heard of it." I put my hands on my hips. "Even you, Donnie?" I ask. He nods, yes. "It is a day that humans celebrate for the birth of Jesus. They exchange presents and spend time together. Also, most people decorate there homes in red and green." He smiles.

I nod. "Do you guys celebrate it?" I wonder. Probably not. They all shake there heads. "Well, we are this year. It's tomorrow for goodness sakes!" I tell them.

"I'll be right back!" I say. I walk out of the sewers with my purse. I'm going to go get some party decorations and a turkey. I can't believe they don't celebrate Christmas! Well.... they are turtles.

I walk inside the art store and go instantly to the Christmas isle. I look down at my list and check things off.

Red Paper Plates✔️

Green Plastic Cups✔️

Christmas Table Cloth✔️

Christmas Bannor✔️

Once I get everything and check out, I go to the grocery store. "Okay. Food. I need a turkey, soda, stuffing, deviled eggs." I say. I grab it all and check out.

I walk back into the lair and fix everything to where it looks perfect in the dining room. "Okay. Come on the dining everyone! I have food!" I yell. Soon everyone, excluding Master Splinter, comes in.

"Christmas Eve meal, I see." Splinter says. I nod and smile. He smells the food. "Ah... I remember celebrating Christmas." He grins, wisely. I giggle and we all sit down.

We chat and eat the food. Surprisingly, they told me they had never had any of these foods before. Their reactions were hilarious.



"This is pretty good."

"Sure, for human food."

Master Splinter didn't even respond. I think he was just happy to eat something new.

We had the best time of our lives. But I can't wait until tomorrow. OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT TO BUY THEM PRESENTS!

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