The Big Fight

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[Ashley's POV]
Donnie sighs. "How do you get this?" He frustratingly asks. "I don't know! This stupid homework Mrs. Ford gave us is rotting out my brain!" (My actual science teacher.)

"Ugh! The magnetic field of the magnet has to start from the north!" He yells. "Why?! Why can't it be the east?!" I argue. "That doesn't even make sense! There isn't even a east or west pole!"

We fight back and forth for a while then I slap him on his cheek. "Listen Linda! I don't get things as easy as you! I'm not smart like you!" I clench my fist.

"Ughhhh, why are you so stupid?!"

I freeze in place and I start to feel tears fall down my cheeks. "Fine! If you think I'm stupid then.... then maybe you should go get a smarter girlfriend!" I storm out of his room crying.

I run into my room and stuff my face in my pillow. I can't stand being around this jerk any longer. I'm just going to leave.

I pack up my things and stuff them in my suitcase. I'm crying hard now. I drag my suit case out of my room and as I leave I hear Raph say, "Where you goin blondey?" I turn around angrily.

"As far away from this dump as I can!" I scream and run out of the sewers. "Dang, what happened in there?" He shrugs then goes back to punching the bag.

[Donnie's POV]
What have I done? My girlfriend hates my guts. I walk out of my room and into hers. It's completely empty. "No." I mutter and walk out.

"Raph, where did she go?" I ask him. He points down the drain then as I walk that way he says, "She said that she was trying to get as far away from here as possible." He shrugs.

Then I leave.

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