Moving Away From College... Or Not?

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[Ashley's POV]
I pack my bags and start to walk out of our room. (Yes Donnie and Ashley share a room now. Chapter before this one.) "I'll come visit you in two weeks. It's gonna be okay." I force a smile upon my face.

"I'll be here waiting." He smiles. He's dying inside. I can tell. I wrap him in a emotional hug. "I love you no matter what." He says. We loosen our hug then kiss each other for a pretty long time. For a kiss anyways.

I walk out of his room and head out of my house. Yes, I call this place in the sewers home, and I love it.

I hail a taxi and pay the man to drive me to Erie, New York. It's a far drive but I don't care.

~When I Get There~

I step out of the taxi and tip the driver more money. I smell the air. "Ahhh..." I exhale. I walk towards the front doors of the girls cabin but then the doors burst open.

"Oh, no." I mutter. Brooke walks out of the building and rolls her eyes at me. "Why do YOU have to go here?!" She complains. I sigh. "Ya think I'm happy about this?" I say.

"Whatever.... Just stay AWAY from me." She looks me up and down then struts away. I shake my head and carry on. "Room 864." I whisper to myself as I walk into the cabin.

It's nice and neat in here. Clean, good for a college. I walk up to the door and smile. Don't let them find out your half cat. I knock two times on the door. A few seconds later a bubbly girl opens the door.

"Hi there! Are you our new room mate? That's awesome! Take a seat! You like it here? I do." She spits. I walk in and take a seat. "Our new roommate?" I asks. She nods. "Yep! Here she comes now!" She says.

"Hey." She smiles. Oh good, she's normal. "Hi." I wave. "Don't mind her. She's just really exited for a new roommate." She laughs, pulling her bangs away from her face.

"Courtney, and that hyper girl over there... is Kim." she points. "Ashley." I respond. "Cool." She says shaking hands. "Okay so you get the top bunk." She says, gesturing to a bunk bed.

I nod. This.. will be fun.

~First Classes~

I walk into my math class on a Tuesday. (No, the club isn't going up.) I've been having a really bad day and I just want to sleep. I miss Donnie and all the other boys and Andrea.

Suddenly a boy walks up to me. "Hey, cutie." The guy says. He looks about my age. Maybe a year older. But the way they act, never changes. "Stop." I say, holding up my hand.

"First of all, I'm married." I say, holding up my ring. He looks down to the floor. "Baby, he's not here. He won't have to know." He tells me.

I roll me eyes. "Leave me alone." I say, walking away. That's the third time today.

~After A Lot Of Work~

I plop down on my bed. The girls come into the room. "Something wrong Ashley?" Courtney asks. "Yeah. I just miss my family and Husband." I sigh. "YOU'RE MARRIED?!?" They say in unison.

"Yeah." I close my eyes. I lay on my bed. I want to cry but I'm to tired. "Awesome!" Kim cheers. "Listen, we miss our family too." Courtney pitches in.

I nod. "I want some time alone right now guys." I say. They nod and walk out of the room. I quietly sob into my pillow. It's only been six days here but I miss home so much. I want to go back.

[Donnie's POV]
I miss Ashley so much. I can't handle it. My training has been off as long as she's left. The boys don't let me come to any missions anymore. Two weeks? Ugh.

She better come home soon.

[Ashley's POV]
I walk down the hallway going to the counselors office. After I walk in I tell her that I'm moving back home and quitting college. She is shocked but understands.

I walk out of her office and gather my things. "You are leaving." Courtney sighs. "Yeah. But you and Kim have my number and I'll come visit you often." I say. I hug them both and walkout of the building.

~Back At The Lair~

"I'm here!" I scream as I run through the lair. I plaster a smile on my face as all the boys surround me. "Ashley?! Your back already?" Leo asks. "I couldn't stay. I missed you guys too much." I say.

Then I look around and see that Donnie is no where to be seen. "Where is Donnie?" I ask them. "In his room, crying like a baby." Raph says. Mikey laughs.

"Dude! You cried for like, two hours!" He says. I laugh. I walk away smiling. I step into my room and see him sobbing in a pillow. "Ahem, someone order pizza?" I say in a deep voice.

He looks up from his pillow. "ASHLEY!!!" He yells. He gets up from the bed and runs toward me. A few seconds later he tackles me and he's laying on top of me. He kisses my face all over.

"I missed you to Donnie. I say, catching his lips. A minute later we release our kiss. I look up and see the boys looking through the door, laughing. We both blush and get up.

"Yeah, glad to be home." I laugh.

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