Authors Note

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Hey guys! Sorry to interrupt your story again but I am just so happy! We have come so far with this story! 69 chapters of awesomeness! Also, have you noticed how many views we have? 1.45 K!!!

Well I've just been getting a lot of comments lately that have said "UPDATE OR DIE!" Jk they aren't that bad but I just wanted to tell you guys something.

Telling me to update doesn't make me want to update anymore then I do now. Not trying to come off as a jerk but ya.

Also, if you guys want to check out my other book it's called, Just A Big Softy. It's a love story with Raph. So umm... yeah!

Bless you if you sneezed just now. And if you really did, yes I am a witch. O.o

So uh, yeah. Bye my muffins! -DerpyAwesome


YAASSS!! Dang it iPhone. If only they had an orange heart. BYEEEEEEE!!!!! ✌️👊🐢

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