Rescuing A Friend

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[Ashley's POV]
I sit next to Leo and we watch Space Hero's, just as Donnie walks in. "Hey guys, I just got a notification that says that a girl named Andrea Dark just kidnapped by the Kraang." I freeze.

"Andrea D-Dark?" I say, stuttering. "Yeah, you know her?" Donnie asks. "OHHHH." He then realizes. They took my best friend. Why? What do they want with her?

"Let's go guys. Suit up." Leo says. I put on my pink suit once more, hair in a pony tail, and walk out of my room. Then Donnie stops me. "Donnie! We have to go!" I say, trying to get around him.

"Here, take this first. Your officially part of the team." He smiles. I smile back and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks." I answer, taking the pink bandana that matches my suit.

We run off into the night.

~When We Get There~

Andrea pounds on the door down the hall. I quickly run to the door and assure that she is safe. "Donnie, get over hurr!" I say quickly.

Then I see her smile at him and wave. "Hurry up Donnie!" I say, as he picks the lock. "I'm trying!" He tells me. Then the door opens. She hugs me. "Thank you for saving me. But how is you know where I was?" I look over at Donnie.

She nods. Then some Kraang come into the hallway we are in. "Ugh." I say, rolling my eyes. Andrea hides behind me. "Those are the robots that captured me!" She says, pointing.

"I know. I kidnapped me too once." One starts shooting at me and I take out my katana. I front flip forward and slice him in half. "Whoa! How did you do that?!" She asks, amazed.

"Lots and lots of training..." I say. "So your like... a ninja?" She asks. I nod but then correct her. "Kunoichi." I say then kick some more butts. The boys fight them off and Leo orders me to get her out of here and they fight them off.

~When I Get Her Home~

"Okay, that was so fun!" She yells. I laugh. "Oh come on! Getting kidnapped is not fun! But saving you was a little." I smile and right when she walks in I tell her, "Don't tell anyone. Okay?" She nods and walks inside.

~At The Lair, Waiting For The Brothers~

"Oh, hey guys!" I smile. They all fall on the floor in front of me, and the TV. "Ughhh..." they answer. "Aww, you guys must be pooped..." I say in a baby voice. I walk into my room and grab a giant blanket.

I walk out and set it on top of them. "Night guys!" I say then I walk into my bedroom and fall fast asleep.

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