Crushing on a Turtle

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[Ashley's POV]
For the second time I wake up in Donnie's lab. "Oh good. I thought you would never awaken!" He says. I blink my eyes tight.

My hand instantly reaches up to my wound which is right above my hip bone. Gosh, I hate those Purple Dragons. If only the could just go-
"Ashley?" Donnie says turning around in his spiny chair.

"Uhh, yeah?" I broke my train of thought. He raises on eyebrow. "I asked you how you are feeling." "Oh umm, good. My side hurts."

"Mmhm. Just as I expected." He checks a few things off of a list then sets the clip bored down. I get up from the table and go look in the mirror.

"Wow, I look so ugly! These stupid Dragon guys are making me look even worse and beat up!" I complain.

"Ashley, you look beautiful."

[Donnie's POV]
I just now realized what I said! Ugh! Stupid Donnie, why? But she is really pretty, stitches or not.

Wait, did I just call her pretty? STOP IT DONNIE! My face turns deep red. "Uhh, I mean, you look fine. Your stitches can be taken off in a week or two." She pushes what I just said out of the way.

"You think I look beautiful? Aww, that's to cute! I mean, sweet. I mean, thanks?" Things get awkwardly silent. We both blush.

I think I like her. Wait, did I just say that out loud?! I face palm my forehead. "Uhh, Donnie? Why did you just face palm yourself?" I guess I didn't.

"Umm.... uhhh..... I-I-" I pause. "N-nothing." I blush.

She then walks out of the room.

I like Ashley.

[Ashley's POV]
Wow, that was awkward. But, I think I like Donnie.

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