Awkward Movie Time

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[Mikey's POV]
"COME IN HERE GUYS! I GOT A MOVIE!" Then Ashley walks in and says, "What movie?"

"Umm, I think it's called, transformers? I don't know it looked cool." I smile.

She rolls her eyes. "Wow. I've seen that movie ONE THOUSAND times!" Then she looks over to see my, 'Aww-really?' Face and she tries to make it better.

"But I love it!" She quickly blushes acting like it never happened.

[Ashley's POV]
I call the other two boys in here and they walk in. Raph doesn't come in.

Oh well, who needs him? Then Mikey goes down there and gets him. Then Mikey drags him in here and Leo helps duct tape him to the sofa. I might have giggled watching him struggled to get his way out.

Then they duct tape his mouth shut. This time I actually laugh out loud though.

Raph sits on the right then Leo then me, Donnie and finally, Mikey sits on the floor in front of the couch. Mikey pushes in the movie then suddenly I hear a girl yell, "Hey guys, what's up? Movie night I'm guessing?" I don't turn around.

She walks a little closer but still didn't notice me. "Yeah, you want to watch it with us? I believe it's a movie called, Transformers." Donnie tells her. "She smiles and comes even closer.

THEN she notices me. "Uhh, Leo? Why is there another girl in the lair?" She asks then I turn around. "April, this is Ashley. Ashley, April." He says and I smile. "Hey I've seen you around school before, right?" She asks.

"Umm, yeah! Your in my history class!" I tell her and she nods and sits down on the floor in front of Donnie. He blushes.

There's something wrong with but I can't put my finger on it. OH MY GOSH! HE LIKES APRIL!

I'm a little shocked but it's cute when he's all crushy. Wait, did I just call Donnie cute? Nah.

"Can we start the movie?" She asks and Mikey presses play.

~An Hour Or So Later~

I dose off and I think I was asleep for about three minutes until I hear a crash come from the tv and lift my head up a little.

Just then I look over to see I was leaning on Leo. My face is about as red as Raph's bandana.

[Leo's POV]
Ashley has been leaning on me for about three minutes. I'm blushing out of my mind right now.

She gets up and says, "Sorry for leaning on you Leo." Her cheeks are heating up a lot and it's really embarrassing for her, I bet.

[Ashley's POV]
Donnie looks over to me as I straiten my back to a normal position. "Uhh, Ashley, if you want to, you can lean on me." Donnie asks.

I give him a 'that-makes-you-seem-like-a-stalker' look. His cheeks are super red and I feel kinda sorry for him. "Nah, I'll be fine here." I answer.

"Oh umm.... Okay." He answers and blushes looking back to the movie screen.

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