Finding A College

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[Ashley's POV]
I sit in Donnie's rolly chair, looking for colleges. I wonder who will except me. "How about this one?" Donnie points out. "I don't know. If I'm majoring in music... it looks like they don't have very good musical students there." I say.

"So you are majoring in music!" He says, happily. (She should have gone to East High School! It's a High School Musical thing. You wouldn't understand.) I nod. "Yeah. I think I should start taking my music career seriously." I say.

"Glad you've foundation good job." He smiles. "Yeah." I say. I scroll through many more and then stop at one. "Sampson University. Doesn't cost much, good ratings. I like it." I say. (I actually just made this up.)

"Apply." I say, hitting a button. A few minutes later, the printer starts spitting out papers. I grab them and start to fill them out. (I have no idea how applying for a college application actually works so... just go with it. XD)

~A Month Later~

I check Andrea's mail. I put that down as the address for my application because... Well, I live in the sewers.i grab a package and hand it to her. "You open it. I can't look." I say, turning around.

Andrea opens it slowly and carefully. "It says.... blah blah blah. More crap we don't need to know. AAAAAAND....." She pauses. "Sorry Ashley." she frowns. I turn around. "Really?" I say.

"Nope! You got in!" She yells happily. I smile widely. I start dancing and soon she joins in. We laugh and dance for what seems like forever.

~At Home~

"Doooonnnniiiiieeeeee!" I say, walking into his room. "Yes, sweetheart?" I walk up to him and sit on his lap. I hand him my mail. "Awesome!" He says after reading it. I smile.

He kisses me nicely and I kiss him back. "This is awesome." I say. Then he looks over to his project. "This is a really good day." He smiles. "I know!" I say.

Then he points to the mutagen. "It works?!" I yell. He nods. "Yup! And now all we need to do is find Karai and change her back to human." He says. "I'm so proud of you!" I say. Then he giggles.

"I'm proud of you too!"

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