Hello, Lucas

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(Get it? Girl Meets World pun.)

[Ashley's POV]
I sit on the couch watching Space Hero's with Leo when my water brakes. Shell. I stay calm and look over to Leo. "Get Donnie now." I say, forcefully. He runs into his room and runs back in with him.

"Leo get out." I say. He gives me a hurt expression and then I look over to Donnie. "It's okay." He says. He kneels down and looks into my eyes and nods. I start pushing.

~Time Skip~

(I didn't want to make it gross so...)
I look down, relieved to see my baby boy. "Hi." I smile, taking him from Donnie. Master splinter walks in a few minutes later. "Ahh, my grandson." He wisely smiles.

"What is his name?" He asks. "Lucas. Lucas Hamato." I say. Lucas sneezes. Okay, officially cutest thing I have ever seen. He is so beautiful, my little baby mutant turtle.

He has my blue eyes and the color of Donnie's shell. I'm surprised he doesn't look anything like a cat. Then the other boys come in. "Aww! A baby!" Mikey yells. I shush him quickly and tell him that the baby is sleeping.

Then Raph pitches in. "Oh great, now I'm an uncle." He rolls his eyes. As he walks out I see him shed a tear. Aww, he's such a softy. I look down to Lucas. "And the cutest baby award goes to.... Lucas Hamato!" I cheer quietly.

I hand him to Donnie and he smiles. "My son." Then I cry. "I have such a wonderful family." I smile. "Your going to be a scientist." I say. We walk back into our room after a ton of congratulations. I set him in his newly bought crib.

He smiles a little then passes out. We both look at each other and smile.

It All Started With Turtles (TMNT FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now