Chapter 52

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fun fact: this chapter took me four whole days to write


Allison's POV

"Are you almost ready? We've got to leave soon." Harry says as he entered my bedroom.

I pace back and forth in a panic. "No. I can't find my passport."

Harry groans and starts to search with me. "For Christ's sake, Allison. You should've looked for it days ago." He says agitated.

"Yelling at me isn't going to help."

"I'm not yelling at you." He says calmly and laughs. "Why are you so moody?"

I sigh. There's a multitude of reasons. None of which we have time to discuss right now. "We've got a four hour drive and a ten hour plane ride. I can tell you then."

Harry stares at me for a moment, debating whether or not to let it go. He glances at his watch and shakes his head. "Okay, when did you last see it."

"Um, three years ago." I say and bite my lip. "The last time I had it was my twenty first birthday."

Harry's eyes widen in shock. "Well that's not good. You've moved since then."

"Wait!" I exclaim. "My dad might have it in the safe. Give me a second."

I walk down the hallway from my bedroom and into my dad's room. I look in his closet and find the safe on one of his shelves. I have to get on my tiptoes to get it. I set it down on the carpet and push my hair out of my face, entering the code to unlock it. It makes a beeping sound and the red light turns green. I'm assuming that means I got the combination right.

I swing the little door open and pour the contents onto the floor. Birth certificates. Social security cards. My dad's will. I shutter as I pick it up. I don't want to think about him writing a will. I push papers aside and gasp when I see my mother's wedding ring among the pile. I pick it up and examine it carefully. It's so beautiful. He must've kept it in hopes that she'd want it back.

I set it down and my eyes land on my passport. Oh, praise the Lord. I pick it up and shove it in my jacket pocket, putting everything else back in the safe.

"Harry, I've got it!" I yell down the hallway and he emerges from my room.

"Brilliant. I put our bags in the car already." He says and grabs his keys off the counter. "Let's go."

We only make it twenty minutes into our drive before I start to feel tired. How did I expect that I'd stay up this whole time? I feel bad because Harry has to drive when he's probably tired too. I rest my head against the window and Harry places his hand on my thigh.

"You're not going to sleep. You still have to tell me why you're moody. Are you on your period?"

I swat his arm and he laughs at me. "No. I'm not. I'm just nervous."

He furrows his eyebrows. "Nervous for what?"

"A lot of things. Meeting your parents, being on a plane, getting married. I don't know there's a lot to worry about." I say and rub my forehead.

"My parents will love you, I can promise you that. You're the reason I'm visiting them to begin with. They'll already love you for that. Second, getting married is a great thing. But why are you nervous about a plane?"

I purse my lips and look away from him. "Planes are scary."

Harry squeezes my thigh in a gesture of comfort. "You're with me. You'll be fine." He says and I take a deep breath in, trying to relax myself.

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