Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring.

Your call has been forwarded to an automated voice message system-

"Fuck. Damn it Louis." I curse, angrily ending the call. This has to be the ninth time I've phoned him.

I sigh and redial, pressing the phone to my ear again. Maybe the tenth call will be lucky. I stare out the front windshield of my car, sitting parked outside of the building as the line continues to ring. The police haven't shown yet, but I'm sure they will any time now. I sigh, growing impatient. As I'm about to hang up and ring him again, Louis answers. I immediately begin talking before he can even get two words out.

"Louis, where the hell are you? Where's Allison? I've just been with Dylan and he said that you were-"

"Harry, slow down mate, one thing at a time," he says defensively and I pause to catch my breath, "Now, tell me what's happened with Dylan."

"It doesn't matter. Basically, I asked him where Allison was and all he said was your name. Is she with you? Is she alive?" I ask frantically, praying that Louis can give me some good news. After everything I've just heard, I could use some uplifting.

He gives a long sigh on the other end of the line and pauses for a second before speaking, "She's with me. Yes, she's alive, but she's," he says and pauses again, like he's trying to find the right words.

"What? Tell me."

Louis sighs. "She's not doing well, Harry."

My body tenses as my eyes begin to burn again, "Where are you? What happened?"

"I'll explain everything later. Come to my house, she's here." Louis says solemnly and I start my car without so much as a goodbye.

The trip to Louis' is quick. I'm surprised, and a little proud honestly, that I didn't receive a speeding ticket for how fast I drove here.

I knock on Louis' door and ring the bell a few times, waiting for him. I try the doorknob at one point, but it's locked.

That fucker.

Eventually, I hear the door being unlocked and push past Louis as soon as he opens it.

"Where is she?" I ask immediately, my eyes panning his living room.

"Yes, hello to you as well." Louis says sarcastically and I turn to him.

"I don't have time for your sarcasm right now, Louis." I shake my head and look him in the eyes.

Oh, Jesus. He looks exhausted. His skin is much paler than normal and his eyes are dark, tired. His hair is disheveled and there are tears stained on his cheeks.

"What the hell has happened to you?" I stick my hand out, gesturing to him.

He wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt, looking up at me, "Come. See for yourself." Louis walks ahead of me, up the stairs, stopping at a tall wooden door.

"Let me just warn you Harry, Allison is alive, but she's completely knocked out. The boys and I think Dylan drugged her. A lot." He says and I feel like I'm going to pass out. An unbearable pain makes its way to the pit of my stomach and I wince. "At the moment, we're just trying to clear the drugs form her system, but it's taking longer than we thought." Louis says and I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Just, let me see her." My expression is hard as I refuse to make eye contact with him.

When he opens the door, the first thing I see is the other boys. They all sit at one side of the room, grief lacing all of their features. I slowly turn my head to the left side of the room, where I know she'll be.

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