Chapter 36

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to clarify, alive is not over. there's still plenty of chapters left, so don't worry haha


Harry's POV

I rest my elbows on the counter, taking a deep breath in. I've been packing since I got home early this morning. I look around at my almost empty living room and sigh. I guess the only thing to do now is keep Allison out of here until I leave.

Someone knocks at my apartment door and I jog over to it, looking through the peephole.

Fuck. It's Allison. She holds the ring in her hands, looking at it confused.

I open the door, quickly stepping out and closing it behind me. "Hello."

Allison smiles up at me. "What is this about?" She holds the ring up in front of me.

"I told you I'd get you a real one."

"I wasn't expecting it any time soon. And normally, these are presented while the other partner is awake." She laughs.

I shrug, unsure of what else to do.

"Is there something you wanted to ask me?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

I swallow hard and Allison's face twists in confusion. "Harry, are you okay? You seem nervous."

I look warily into her eyes. I am nervous. I don't know how I was expecting this to go. "It's nothing."

She purses her lips. "Well, you're acting a bit shy for someone that's just indirectly proposed." She laughs at me and I don't laugh with her.

Her face falls with concern. "Harry, tell me what's wrong. Why are we standing outside?"

"My apartment is messy."

She narrows her eyes at me. I don't blame her. That was the worst excuse I could've come up with. I know she won't believe it for a second.

"Harry, I know you. You're the cleanest person I've ever met. I thought you were done hiding things from me." She frowns.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

Allison sighs. "I want you to say that you trust me with whatever it is you're trying to hide right now."

"It's not me that doesn't trust you." I say calmly.

"Than who is it? For once, please tell me what's going on." Allison pleas and I don't move.

Her expression hardens in annoyance. "Unbelievable." She pushes me aside and parades into my apartment.

I watch her as she looks around, seeing everything packed up. I walk in behind her and close the door slowly, expecting her to turn to me, seething with anger, at any given moment.

"Whoa." She says surprised. "I thought you said a couple of days. It looks like your moving out." She laughs and turns to me. When I don't deny it, her eyes widen. "Wait, you're moving out? Where the hell are you going? When did you plan on telling me?" She throws her arms up in disbelief, staring at me angrily.

There. That's what I was expecting.

Allison takes a vulnerable stance, closing herself off from me. However, she's throwing me a glare that tells me she's not going to be the vulnerable one this time.

"Allison, please. This wasn't my decision."

"I don't care who's decision it was. You were just going to leave without telling me!" Allison's voice grows louder, laced with hurt.

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